
I hate that anti-single mother rhetoric. It’s why my mom was so desparate to keep a man no matter how abusive he was. She just thought a black woman with children was worthless. That she was worthless. She still listens to those sermons.

I agree, and they’ve done their fair share to illustrate the difficulty of being a victim and the damage reporting can do and that rape isn’t just a woman attacked in an alley. That it’s family members or soccer coaches or your boyfriend.

My dad (a lawyer) and I have faithfully watched all the Law and Orders (mostly so he can yell at the TV: You have to ask a question! That’s leading the witness! which I find funny).

SVU has made a difference. In some ways, SVU is part of the genesis of #metoo.

I usually have a day-job, contracting as a software developer, but my side-gig has always been as a musician.

Why does the burden of responsibility always fall on black women within the community. Black homes are often FATHERLESS meaning women are staying to do the work someone else left behind.

His speech was tone deaf, offensive and completely inappropriate. You’re there to honor the accomplishments of the deceased, which wasn’t hard to do since it was the funeral for Aretha fucking Franklin! Glad Stevie Wonder was there to set him straight. Police brutality and crime in the black community are not the same

I had the goddamn pleasure to meet Mr. Owens when I worked with his wife for a spell (who is herself wonderful). He is a very, very smart, very, very kind man and I’m obsessed with his response to all this. Unbothered in the extreme.

When Stevie Wonder clowns you in the middle of your sermon, you know you fucked up.

They’re from Fox News and The Daily Mail. The spawn of Rupert are conditioned to hate and fear people with honest jobs. It’s a sort of in-group bias - none of those reporters have jobs that anybody could consider honest, after all.

It’s about poking fun at someone who ran in “elite” circles (fame/actor money/etc) who has fallen to being one of the working schmucks. It says a lot about the folks who are making fun of him. This whole story is reflective of how disgusting the average joe is. 

One big point that should be made about this story is that it very clearly shows shows that Fox News thinks that its viewers who work at grocery chain stores like Walmart, Target, Trader Joe’s, HEB, and others are losers worthy of ridicule.

A high school friend “made it big” in Hollywood (lots of supporting role movie credits, writing, even directing) and....recently did a go fund me account to help pay his bills. We were well into our 30's at this point. 

These same news outlets are always wondering aloud why more browner-hued folks aren’t bootstrappin’ their way outta situations. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Shitting on a job at Trader Joe’s is an epic case of classicism. To us lowly small business owners and everyday workers, TJ’s pays very well, has a fantastic record for employee satisfaction, and it offers some of the most complete employee healthcare packages with a focuse on ethical business practices..... soooo,

In the interview it did sound like his job at Trader Joes was past tense. I really hope the attention lands him a job. Despite all of the notoriety, he still needs to pay his bills.

The whole point of that woman taking the picture was to shame Geoffrey: “Oh, look at this well-known actor working at a job that I think is below me.”

Good for him for not being ashamed. Only about 1% of actors, singers, entertainer, athletes, etc. are able to pursue those careers and keep earning a stready paycheck. Everyone else has to make ends meet somehow. Most actors aren’t able to make millions from acting. As Donnie Walburger said, most are a few unlucky

I can’t believe that it needs saying (looking at you Fox News and Daily Mail) is an honest job something to be ashamed of?? All honest jobs, that do not harm anyone else have their own dignity. I just can’t with people who think that their job entitles them to lord over other people.
