THE Joan Wilder?
THE Joan Wilder?
“I was not born to be an ingénue.”
I’d never seen it and didn’t know anything about it so I looked it up on Wikipedia. Ho-lee shit, what a hot mess. Jesus.
I thought the exact same thing when I read it.
I’m a very angry person all the time. I know it. I own it. I was raised in a very sexist and misogynist home where the girls got the short end of the stick. I’m reacting to that and all the bullshit around me.
Nicholas Cage’s performance in Peggy Sue ruined a big chunk of the movie, but there’s that one scene where Peggy Sue, having gone back in time, picks up the phone at her parents’ house and hears the voice of her long-dead grandmother...
Familiar earworm songs, nice looking people, exotic location, stupid enough to be dubbed into any language without any loss of story.
Didn’t the first movie make a metric fuck-ton overseas? It’s a musical with a bunch of people who can’t sing; I don’t understand the appeal.
“They’re also now on guard against any “leftist coups” against Trump.”
Oh? The US economy is doing great? That would explain why he’s gone into panic mode and ran to the World Trade Organization, crying that it’s not fair that countries are putting counter-tariffs on the USA, when the tariffs were put on those countries for fake reasons (national security threats).
Because white people invented it. Pretty sure shitty POC just kick their kids out. Trying to “fix” something that’s not broke is a white thing.
I may be off base here, but sending kids to gay conversion therapy sounds very much like a rich White Evangelical thing to do.
That’s one of the HUGE failings of the pro-choice people. Whenever I see pro-choice people talk, it’s 90% just demanding a woman’s right to choose, without going into any specifics about why and how, and the realities of what reduces abortion (not laws against it!), and what sorts of abortions happen when, and what…
What kills me is how often residents in rural areas both vote against their own interests and spout the whole “capitalism is better than government” nonsense. Well, this is capitalism, enjoy it.
Hey, “pro-lifers”: Where is your outrage about this? These are women who want to have children, but our fucked-up health care system makes it pretty tough to have a safe, healthy pregnancy and therefore a healthy child. You should also be concerned about maternal and infant mortality in rural areas with limited…
Rural communities vote GOP.
I’m a medical malpractice attorney, and I’m asked to evaluate care given at rural facilities a lot. It’s often terrible across the board, but the lack of adequate OB and neonatal care is particularly heartbreaking. There are places in the High Plains where the nearest NICU is 440+ miles away, which is at the very ragge…
They will always, always choose to attempt to screw over Black people even if it means screwing over themselves.
Rural communities really need the government; private corporations can make so much more money by serving urban populations. Given that, it’s immensely frustrating that rural states and rural parts of states consistently vote for people who want to prevent the government from helping them. Maine’s second district is…