Deep Time

Read The Road. Right now. ESPECIALLY if you are a parent. I’m glad I read it after my son was born as it resonated far, far more with me than it would have if I read it earlier.

FreeTaxUSA does.

Fuck Turbo Tax. I now use Free Tax USA, federal filing is truly free. I paid 20 bucks for state filing and federal audit protection. I ran returns on there plus Turbo Tax and Tax Act and the figures were the same.

Sadly SCOTUS will probably rule along party lines and allow gerrymandering. Yes, Maryland is victim to a Dem gerrymander but GOP gerrymanders in swing states (NC, MI, others) are crucial to maintaining their advantage.

Same here. Had it for decades. Most times I don’t notice it but when it’s really quiet it stand out. Also, the ringing in my left ear is different than my right ear. 

Getting old sucks (just turned 50) but I’ll take it over the alternative.

We wouldn’t want them back, they’re tainted.

No, they absolutely should not wear Whaler unis and they should absolutely not play Brass Bonanza. That belongs to us, not the carpetbagger Hurricanes.

No, we are not better for it. Fuck the Hurricanes. And fuck any other team that has relocated to support Buttman’s Southern Strategy.

Not the Stars. The other redneck state with a Stanley Cup.

It’s like giving a murderer a free pass because the cops didn’t see the actual killing.

Or some cities get screwed in the playoffs and then get screwed when their team relocates to a redneck state.


This is pretty much the standard climate denier response. “It’s been doing this forever so humans can’t be impacting it to any relevant degree.”

So it goes.

Because she was adopted. She is a Skywalker.

Shut up, Meg.

This was spellbinding until I saw the trash that’s down there. There’s nothing humans won’t fuck up.

Long Cut Mint, naturally.