Deep Time
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Another BB/BCS alum, Giancarlo Esposito, shows up in Trading Places - the prisoner on the left in this scene

And that actor is Jonathan Banks, who went on to bigger stardom in a whole mess of TV shows, and later as Mike Ehrmantraut on Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul.

Truthfully, being American I didn’t know about the Ford Prefect joke until many years after reading HHG...

I’ve been watching this movie since it came out and it was only a month or two ago that I noticed the ice cream cone in the scene when the reporters were interviewing Steve McCrosky.

In a way I hope SCOTUS overturns Roe v. Wade, as that would all but assure a Democratic landslide in 2020. We can then abolish the filibuster, pack SCOTUS with more judges, ban gerrymandering, overturn Citizens United, aggressively combat climate change, and throw the GOP back into the fucking stone age where it

I thought for a second you said the universal unit of toques, of which I am unfamiliar because I am not a Canadian.

Ah yes, less hatchback, more SUV. Much prefer your version!

“How Heavy Is the Milky Way?” is a bad headline since weight is entirely determined by local gravity. I am lighter on the moon and heavier on Jupiter.

I always use the self-check at Wal-Mart because there is almost always one open and I don’t have to wait in line for a checker. Of course you can argue they have less checkers to essentially force you to use the self-checkout.

Don’t they have to visually verify the control surfaces are moving? Seems risky to depend on some light in the cockpit...

“...because something called an “elevator” had been jammed by high, gusting wind...”

Doesn’t the current adhesive/rubber gasket provide a measure of flex? I would think if the windshield were welded to the car that it would transmit a lot of stress to the glass making it more likely to break from everyday usage.

There’s a Twitter account for that.

Several years ago we had a strike close to the house when we weren’t home. When we got back we realized we lost both garage door openers, TV, Playstation, and baby monitor. Stuff that was plugged into surge protectors were fine. 

My first job in 1985 was at a supermarket hustling carts in the parking lot and stocking shelves. I made $4.10 an hour. It was a good learning experience for me and has definitely influenced my respect for folks earning minimum wage.

Just ate at BWW this week. It will be the last time based on this new information.

That practice here:

That option would be nice!

I hear you. Ask me how I feel about the Public Option.

Our deductible is $4,500, and because of chronic health issues with my wife we usually hit that by the end of March. So while a great idea it wouldn’t work for us.