Deep Time

Damn it, I replied before the genius of the comment sunk in...

I hear you Aaron, just wish my share came with a vote.

It’s criminal how mediocre coach Mike McCarthy has wasted the prime years of a generational talent like Aaron Rodgers. He should have been fired years ago.

Now playing

I’m old, so Don’t Look Back made me assume it was this:

I meant to say “boof.” I first heard it in college where it was a popular term in my fraternity.

Where they can, fart...together.

Why aren’t you letting go of our uniforms? Maybe if you were selling out games you wouldn’t have to stoop to lame marketing ploys.

I really really miss the old apple pies of my youth, tempura batter and deep fried. No lattice on top. And the boat-shaped containers.

Guessing you’re a Brett Kavanaugh supporter.

So you’re telling me there’s a chance...

Bowling Green Massacre: Never Remember.

Yes, that’s why Trump was outvoted by nearly 3M votes in 2016. 

The good thing is, my Sunday afternoons are going to be way more productive this fall!

Ashamed to admit as a late teen/early 20's kid I had some of those:

Right, I mean who hates firefighters, other than arsonists?

I’m sad Ed Hardy shirts fell out of fashion, they were a reliable douchebag indicator.

No, without Rodgers we’re basically the Browns. That’s not a good formula for winning the Super Bowl.

The club told the Huffington Post in a written statement that officials weren’t aware players “intended to dress in this manner,” adding that the costumes were “unacceptable in this day and age.”

The NRA has fully transformed into a Super PAC dedicated to improving the bottom line of gun manufacturers. And I’m sure there will be more to come on the potential scandal of Russian money being funneled into their coffers.