Deep Time

On the plus side, at least it wasn’t Papa John’s.

We should be doing this with Gypsy Moths, Deer Ticks and Bark Beetles, ASAP.

What’s with the water in Ohio? Remember the time that Cincinnati radio station had a Thanksgiving promotion where they threw turkeys out of a helicopter?

Very misleading title. How about:

Very misleading title. How about:

Yes, but that would mean the US would - still - be the only nation to use nukes.

Hopefully gators don’t evolve the ability to write poetry.

I would love to see these guys back here in the east. There’s a gap in the hills near where I live called “Cathole Pass” that was named in colonial times due to mountain lion sightings.

Clearly the takeaway here is don’t name your son Grayson; that is, unless you want him to grow up to be a douchebag.

My grandfather had a ‘71 Maverick that was stolen and used to rob a gas station. They ripped the key ignition out so afterwards we started it with a large bladed screwdriver.

The front end is strangely familiar...where have I seen this before?

To A Predators Fan Feeling Awful Today:

“The stadium might not get paid off until 2113, by which time, who knows, an earthquake could send the stadium back into the earth or football as we know it might be dead.”

No, not those Parker Brothers.

I am hoping he ages himself to the grave.

I like how Doofus capitalizes the words “travel ban”, as if it were a name of a band. Or perhaps he is looking to trademark it?

I live in the northeast where many of my neighbors put poison on the lawn and water it to maintain evergreen monoculture.


This definition of terrorism fits the Trump campaign to a T.

I really wish Fred Trump had pulled out back in 1946.