Deep Time

How do you say “Horse Tooth Jackass” in Hindi?

This is a pretty basic take.


I see Jill Stein was there too, probably to accept Trump’s thanks for helping him win.

Being a lifelong CT resident, I’ve found the confederate flag to be a helpful indicator of backwards-ass racists. When I see one I instantly know enough about the bearer to ignore them completely.

With the recently proliferating Powassan virus that 24 hours is reduced to...15 minutes.

But her emails...

Now playing

Nothing like a ginned-up war to take everyone’s mind off of the failure.

That’s fine, I don’t give a fuck who finds the cure for cancer as long as we find a cure. This isn’t an international pissing contest.

You most likely know it as Myanmar, but it will always be Burma to me.

Love how the Command Module has the flotation ring and balloons.

I have only one comment.

The first movie was great. So many callbacks to spy movies, especially the Bond series. Even the background music mimicked specific sequences of Bond music (esp. Thunderball).

“But the bleakest moment of the interview came when the president interrupted a discussion of China to hand out electoral maps showing the latest election results to each of the three Reuters reporters present.”

“...employees don’t have to perform the sort of “gotta hear both sides” journalism that requires getting an opposing take to balance out a heliocentric view...”

In baseball, a .600 average is phenomenal!

There’s nothing that screams “entitled douchebag” than a man in a suit riding on his son’s stroller down the drive of the Estate.

Is he really crazed? Don’t you think NK realizes that if they flip the nuclear switch on SK, Japan or the US that their entire nation will be wiped off the face of the earth?

Other than the potential for use of nuclear weapons by one or both sides, or the possibility that the conflict escalates beyond regional status and becomes a full-fledged, ending-the-world-as-we-know-it all out nuclear war?

“Yes. you’re next. Yooooouuurrr so next.”