Deep Time

The veneer of history is generally kind to former presidents. I suspect Trump will be the exception.

Wow, that one passage sure opens up a lot of doors into his psyche. And at that age any “venture” I was fortunate to experience was met with unbridled enthusiasm.

+1. I have no use for podcasts, reading is faster and it “sticks” with me longer than listening. Plus it doesn’t require charging, earphones, cellphones/tablets and the like.

Here is an unserious cellist, Adele Stein, on tour with Rush.

Pro tip: Avoid putting the word “solution” after the word “final.” It has...connotations.

There were only two candidates that could win. Votes for anyone else were a de facto vote for Trump.

+1 Mons Pubis

This is the most Hartford story ever.

Well, that’s just like, you know, your opinion, man.

And they believe the phrase “No means yes and yes means anal.”

As an Gen-X’er I’ve been doing the same with the term “snowflake”. It’s fun to see these alt-right losers get worked up when you throw it back at them.

And Red Dead 2...

But how does the thermos know?

But how does the thermos know?

I sure hope you’re right.

But Mattis serves at the pleasure of the President, and Trump could bounce him if he doesn’t follow the President’s lead.

Annnnd just today Mattis told NATO members to pony up or the US would “moderate” it’s commitment to NATO.

FIVE billion? Off by a factor of 100.

I would have been shocked if everything was spelled correctly and it was grammatically correct. Remember this guy?

You mean fittest President EVER.

“Young & Gruden” sounds like one of those law firms trolling for mesothelioma suffers on late night television...