Deep Time

Carson is, however, very familiar with the use of buildings for grain storage.

“We’ve reached out to Breitbart for comment on the takedown and will update this post if we hear back.”

Actually my degrees are in history and economics. But I remember when the story came out and how fascinating I thought it was that he was able to hide it in plain sight for so long.

Loved how the show used the Creation of Adam and spoke to the easter egg Michelangelo put there which went unnoticed for nearly 500 years.

If he is still alive, as he is 78 I believe.

Easy solution: Don’t apply to a school that enables and covers up child molesters. There are plenty of fine schools in this country that have integrity and moral values have integrity.

I wonder how well the kids Sandusky molested have moved on. Perhaps they celebrated PSU’s victory.

I’ll never eat soft serve again, thanks for that.

At least put him into a camp until we can figure out what is going on.

You know you’re getting old when you are surprised to see an article explaining who Dan Quayle is.

We should be working really, really hard at getting Foster Campbell elected.

The climate models are turning out to be way too conservative.

Maddie, along with Democrats and the rest of the world’s population, live in the world of reality. Only Republicans live in their manufactured bubble where facts are fungible and truths are created by just uttering them.

Sadly, Seth will probably be more knowledgeable on foreign policy than the eventual Trump nominee for SecState.

“You’re confusing your personal bubble with the rest of reality.”

I don’t think Bernard killed himself. It looked to me that he moved the gun away from his head at the last instant and fell to the ground to fake it.

How do we know that photo technology hasn’t advanced to make pictures more fade-proof?

IIRC it was buried in the dirt when it was discovered. Also, this is a park (likely on Mars) so they probably control the climate. With your guests paying so much to visit would you want it to rain on them? Bad customer service.

I know that, but the timing of bringing it back was painful.

I’m sure injured players enjoy having to walk through a bar on their way to the locker room.