
The lengths that people will go to to show that they hate us is incredible. I ain’t got shit else to say.

Because they’ve completely given in to their inner cranky toddler that wants to get away with doing horrible shit, and they’re hoping that if they can convince everyone that there shouldn’t be any laws, they’ll get to do all the horrible shit they’ve secretly wanted to do all along.

“Sir, I can’t be a lazy, good for nothing welfare king/queen with 30 children and no job, AND be taking away all your jobs and all your money. It doesn’t work like that.”

You’re being facetious, but it’s the Schrodinger’s cat theory in the US for all minorities. Blacks we’re either a threat and get overly scrutinized or we’re a problem because we’re not giving whites enough attention, Latinx are either lazy or stealing jobs, all simultaneously . The list goes on and on for any non

All this panicking cause white people aren’t making enough babies. They believe if all the white families reproduce like the Duggar’s girls then they’ll stay the majority. And they’ll get those 15 + babies through rape and incest since they can’t find any white women to put out for them.

Don’t confuse “kissing his ass” with “working a mark.” The former is what it looks like. The latter is what it is. They’re disrespecting him just as much as they ever did Obama; more, because they’re getting a lot more out of him while they do it. They’re just doing the bare minimum of jingling-the-keys distraction

Agreed with everything you said except: Trump didn’t unleash The Delusion of White Supremacy™. Since this country’s inception, whites have deluded themselves about the evil they do and the other whites have bought into The Lie Agreed Upon’™.

Murr, can we NOT label all white people who do evil shit Mentally Ill? Why can’t they just be evil, hateful, uncaring, unempathetic, or just BAD?! Mentally Ill absolves the person of all personal responsibility for their words and actions.

I don’t know who let you out of the greys by since you’re here, yes context matters and stop being dense. The whole “why can’t WE say it” argument is weak and stupid. It’s the same reason I can call my sister a “shrill bitch” and we both laugh, but if you called her that, you’d be stepping in something you couldn’t

No, Angela sweetheart, you’re Black. No other person, regardless of color or background, has any right to adjudge you any differently.

Also, if you are anything but English speaking Anglo protestant, they will extend it to you after they’re done kicking out persons of color.

signed, a Jew.

See, all these idiots thought they transcended the color of their skin.

They are definitely not MAGA. They are just chicken sht

When he wouldn’t deign to shake their SSI/SSD, Medicaid & Medicare, Food Stamp-receiving, Meals On Wheels wanting, opioid-dusted hands at the very rallies they car-pooled to attend. They never notice that he deals with them from way far afar!

Or implying that being “politically correct” (which is just fucking respecting people) is an empty formality that means nothing

His supporters are as dumb as he thinks they are - they are practically the same person; he’s their cipher after all; he’s just managed to steal more money than they have - and they want to believe everything he says (especially if it’s got that racist tinge; they’re afraid of China), so all that makes them easy marks.

Children in cages? Silence. People of color murdered by the police? Not a peep. Atrocities committed by our government? No big deal. A fictional character portrayed by something other than a white woman? Burn it all to the ground and salt the fucking earth. This is why I don’t trust the 53% club next November. Give

White people, just go out and buy a Klan outfit instead of complaining about “political correctness”. The euphemism has become completely transparent and meaningless.

“It’s a chip and dip!” is still my go to.