
I have read most of Baldwin’s writings; listened to every speech and debate I can find and it leaves me baffled as to why he isn’t as universally revered as an icon in Black History and our struggle for civil as a Medgar Evers, MLK, Jr or Malcolm X. Is it because he was not assassinated for his beliefs, like the

In other news, water is wet.

Its deeper than that. White America will never get over having had a black president. If there’s one truth in this country, it’s that white people can not stand seeing black people more successful, smart, beautiful, etc. than them.

A friendly reminder that my faves and your faves are problematic :/

You could be Asgardian, for all we know.

Also: if you’ve got “that one guy” in your social circle whom you know women tend to find creepy/sketchy/rapey, maybe stop trying to bug us into “giving him a chance” as a date or friend, stop giving him a pass all the time for and start talking to HIM about the way he acts.

As a Norwegian-American, Velkommen!

There still might be time to get tickets to the Sons of Norway’s 2017 Nordic American Thanksgiving Breakfast in Bloomington, Minnesota...

An underplayed aspect of Obama’s campaign and Presidency was how fucking *good* he had to be to be the first African Americans President.

I don’t prefer to be called n—-a / n—-er by anyone of any color, but it annoys me that my white acquaintances try to use it, mostly to see if they can get away with it. “Why can’t we say it?”

“Why do you want to?” is a better question. 

Can someone explain why James Corden is forever popping up in things? Because he’s basically ambulatory mayonnaise with hair on it.

In first to say I SAID WHAT THE FUCK I SAID.

“So de white man throw down de load and tell de nigger man tuh pick it up. He pick it up because he have to, but he don’t tote it. He hand it to his womenfolks. De nigger woman is de mule uh de world so fur as Ah can see.”-Their Eyes Were Watching God.

Every time a white person tells me to go back to Africa, I ask to be sent to Seychelles or Tanzania, since they have some of the most beautiful beaches in the world..but ignorant white ppl wouldn’t know that.

Exhibit B

So you’re saying that a woman shouldn’t call out someone for groping her unless she’s willing to call out every single other person who’s sexually assaulted/harassed/groped her? Also, why is it always on the woman to call out every instance of sleaziness?

Prince was one of those rare people for whom an unflattering photograph could seemingly not be taken. He looks great in just about every image I have ever seen.

Why aren’t white people tired of seeing the next generation make a permanent record of their shitty behavior? Where are the white community leaders to set a positive example for their children?

David Cross needs to stop. He’s actually a brilliant comedian, but also a complete asshole. How hard would it have been to say, ”Charlene, I don’t remember saying racist things to you, but I know it’s possible. Often, I am an asshole. I appreciate your letting me know how remarks I think of as off-hand can really