
I’ve read on Blind Gossip that the “unforeseen circumstances” are that he just wants to get high and fuck all day, is tired of touring and having to perform for his fans, and that he’s rich enough at this point to feel fine about passing up so much money.

Wow, they’re like a bunch of Veruca Salts, aren’t they? They want all the goodies. They want them now, and to hell with the consequences.

Huh. So who’s gonna play the 30-something Bowie when they inevitably show the recording of “Under Pressure” in Montreux? I can’t think of anyone known as of now who could do him justice.

Well, see they should’ve gotten David Mitchell, is their problem. Noel Fielding? Nah. I love him, but this is not his environment, is it? I guess if it keeps him working that’s good for him, but surely he could do a chat show? Or a quiz show?

People who say such things don’t really believe that stuff; they work with women, they know the truth. They think that their BS will hide their egos and greed. More gaslighting, except it doesn’t really work, does it, if a plebe like myself can see through it. They might as well state the truth of it and face up to

If only gaslighting was actually “when abusers blow up after being confronted with the truth about the lies coming out of their asses”.

We need a GIF of from Extras, the bit where Bowie asks Andy Millman if his sitcom is any good, and a voice yells out from off-screen, “NAH, IT’S SHIT!” Andy cringes because he knows that that voice speaks the truth, and Bowie’s face is all, “Oh, so you’re just a tosser, then, OK.”

If there is proof that a claim is false, then anyone who continues to believe a false claim WANTS to believe it. Why? To continue to believe something that’s demonstrably false, to me, says something not good about that person’s emotional and psychological make-up.

NOPE! This woman is COMPLICIT! She got her stank ass on TV to buttress the birther rumors, and did what she could to make her marriage look normal to voters in order to support Agent Orange, so piss on her.

They all remind me of Jimmy Durante cameos I’d see in old movies as a kid.

Who’s paying Asininity* to do this? I mean, isn’t he a craven opportunist like the rest of them? He knows what he’s peddling’s bullshit.

Pheromones. We aren’t going to sense those off a television, you know? Facially, yes, Colin’s a little bit too bland for my taste from what I see of him on TV, but in his presence, it might be a different thing. For example, I remember thinking Willem Dafoe was butt-ugly until I saw him in person at a movie premiere.

MaryAnne Rolle? Oh, HAIL naw, you don’t mess with any of Florida Evans’ cousins*!

I didn’t know that. I remember Franken from watching his “This is the Year of Al Franken” bits from the 2nd cast of SNL when I was 10 and 11, and saw he was a smart man even then.

NO! NO more celebrities running for office. We lucked out with Al Franken, but dammit, NO!

Only Ziggy wore a romper.

May his return to the devil’s larynx...



I want the Special Counsel AND an absolutely independent commission to investigate. The nation deserves no less than complete transparency on how this happened and how it was allowed to happen, and people need to go to prison. If it means ultimately creating amendments to the Constitution to counteract this kind of