
So exactly how many treason/obstruction of justice trials are we talking about here?

“The real deal” as in the deal memo signed in her publicist’s office was real and witnessed by lawyers and all that?

Yes, I would’ve absolutely dated Jeff Goldblum at the beginning of his career; he was a cutie even then. Good on your mom!

Seeing that’s carbon form’s name never fails to puts me in an inchoate rage. I’m going for a calming walk outside now while I still can.

“...No, America, we expect you to die.”

The agreement by our entire society to abide by the Constitution and the rule of law has been abandoned by those at the top.

Comey didn’t stop those subpoenas today, is what this is. This was a “lapse” too far for that dessicated Cheeto reject, and we know how impulsive it is.

My French friends are telling me that he’s not really a good guy, that he’s planning on cutting taxes for the rich and cutting public sector jobs, and that he was only elected because he was the alternative to the National Front party. This doesn’t sound great as much as it sounds like he was the lesser of two evils.

So when we little people all die off, like the rich seem so eager for us to do, and the rich are the only ones left, then what?

A) Your grandma’s right!

Wow, but those Bowes-Lyon genes are STRONG! She looks exactly like the Queen Mum and QEII. I don’t see a hint of a Middleton, a Spencer, or even a Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in those kids at all.


Oh, Fox, haven’t you ever heard of “Don’t start none, won’t be none”? Well, you started some by acting like a bucket of fuckwits, so y’all’re getting what’s coming to you. 

Besides Aretha and Dionne not liking each other for decades anyway, by calling her “Whitney’s godmother” it seems like Aretha believes the public might assume that she bore some responsibility for how Whitney turned out, given that godparents are responsible for the moral/religious instruction of their godchildren. “Y

Did Heads Together at least pay a licence fee before they ripped off the PBS logo?

I could be wrong, and he could just be a narcissistic dried-out Play-Doh blob on cocaine/speed, but I wonder if 45 has some sort of frontotemporal dementia, not unlike Python Terry Jones (who’s in a bad way right now, and it’s going to drag on and worsen for years before it kills him).  

That’s just it though, they are morphing into a group who loves only their children, their vocations, their liberties (and ultimately, their power to control the planet’s dwindling resources), and they do not give a good goddamn about any other being on this earth.

When I get that question (and I’m shocked that at my late-40s age I still get it at all—in NYC, of all places), what I usually do is make an evil face and say in a deadpan voice, “You have GOT to be kidding me. Get out of here with that shit.”

What a terrible, terrible idea. I mean really terrible.

So again, we have a stupid white man underscore his belief that the real Americans are white men only. And with such stupid white men in power, they have the ability to effect a solution upon those of us who don’t fit their definition of “real Americans”.