
Yup. I’ve got a big ‘un, big enough to stand upright. It’s on my lamp table!

“See what Fox said. They said it was one of the great speeches. They showed the people applauding and screaming. … I got a standing ovation. In fact, they said it was the biggest standing ovation since Peyton Manning had won the Super Bowl, and they said it was equal. I got a standing ovation. It lasted for a long

Aw, Mare...

When these people come at us, we need to make sure that they will not have seen that metaphorical punch back coming. Be prepared to punch up, y’all.

This man would have no problem slaughtering me if he thought he could get away with it, because apparently he simply can’t bear to “allow” anyone with any African ancestry to exist. But don’t punch him! That’s not polite!

Why do people who make their racist calls to 911 not get censured or fined or held to account? This woman started the trouble and she just walks away?

I was TV/film major at uni, and we had a big chunk of history in that track, including a unit on early US TV. We saw a bit of the old Today show as part of the section of the origins of TV news, and Dave Garroway just came off as classy AF to me.

Yikes. Oh, Tom.

This man and his supporters want to be Alphas/The Biggest Swinging Dicks/Masters of the Universe so badly that they refuse to be shamed for anything that will keep them at this imagined top of the heap.

Even if they are angry at Trump, which I think was just an excuse they came up with to hurt someone different anyway, what good was beating someone going to do? Did they think black America would cheer their actions or something? Did they think they were “getting back” at white America? These kids are fucking asshole

I saw a FB post on my feed today from some site called “Daily Stormer”calling Chet Hanks’ mixed-race baby daughter a “jigaboo”, saying her existence is evidence that race mixing is wrong. The child, of course, was a precious little cutie.

She practiced these dances ‘til her feet bled. Every day. Gene gave her no quarter. But she stuck it out and is now immortalized in one of the finest films ever made. And Charlotte! So many of us knew her first as the voice of that wise and loving mother figure of Charlotte. That poor family. And the pain of losing a

I love Mavis.

Oh, good Lord, what is there to say? I’m gobsmacked.

My go-to answer for the nosy Noras is, “Oh, Christ, I can’t be arsed.” Because I can’t, and yet I’m feeling fine. I can’t imagine being desperate for a relationship. I never have been. Any agita I’ve ever had has been over specific situations with specific men. I’m simply not ever in a state over being single. All I

Bless Ms. Jama, but I wonder if, in her heart of hearts, she wanted leave to clock this bitch a good one in the face before the bailiff hauled Burchard-Risch off to jail.

Rita Moreno, love her! If she’s in, then this project has to have some merit.

So these guys are basically looking for any pretext, no matter how flimsy, to lash out in violence like they’ve been dying to do for decades? Isn’t that always the way?

Sort of like the anti-Mr. Yuck?

We need multiples of this man speaking out all over the country, right this second.