
Lovely piece. I had no knowledge of this woman at all, so here's a new bit of European history to explore!

He's so adorkable.

These teens who are raping and taunting (!!!) are actively choosing to think of and treat rape victims as "thots".

I've been Indie Rock kid since ~1980, what can I say? XTC forever!

Wow, I wasn't even 30 in 1998, and I didn't know this song. Oh, right, because Soul Coughing.

Oh, does she now? Well, she can piss off, her and her FATHER.

Bobbing from side to side with the slo-mo jazz hands while her eyes are popping out at the camera. 5 seconds of that was quite enough, thank you! I barely heard her voice to be able to make a judgement.

Weird Al.

Please, even Mr. Owl knows: "Misogyny, McKay. Misogyny is what motivated Lépine to kill 14 women."

Wow, I forgot how many straight-up bad-ass legendary musicians were on this track, like Miles, and Bobby Womack. I remember being SO pleased that Daryl Hall performed on it. I was 15 at the time. And the line Daryl sings, "It ain't that far away," made me think - it's farther away from the release of this single to

Michael Palin from the Monty Python troupe and A Fish Called Wanda. Has been married to his beloved Helen since 1966.

Meeks and Kory remind me of when I was a teenager and my aunt dated a black guy who had similar features, though the guy was straight-up blond and blue-eyed. She was in her mid-30s, he was about 24, I want to say?

I"m wearing these. Had 'em for 10 years now and they're the best.

I was raised in a poor area (I have just come to learn that my block was and is in one of the two worst neighborhoods in all of Milwaukee!), and we still managed to bring home serious chocolate loot in the 70s and early 80s within a 4-block span of our flat, so it would've never occurred to us to pop on the #35 bus

Pfft, James Spader is the King of Creepy/Sexy. Hollywood'd do better having a triple feature re-release of Pretty in Pink/sex, lies and videotape/Secretary.

I'm going to have to turn in my all my American cards, as I loathe "pumpkin" anything, and - to the horror of all my Southern relatives - "sweet potato/yam" anything. Hate. Hate. HAAAAATE. Get that crap away. No, I will not eat it; I am a grown woman, so you can't make me, and offering to smother it in "marshmallows"

Lady, play your mandoline! But don't cut yourself!

"'Why do men feel threatened by women?' I asked a male friend of mine. So this male friend of mine, who does by the way exist, conveniently entered into the following dialogue. 'I mean,' I said, 'men are bigger, most of the time, they can run faster, strangle better, and they have on the average a lot more money and

Aw, that's a little sad. What do kids do on Saturday mornings now? I have none, so I wouldn't know.

Really? Maybe these kids need to ask themselves if they heard "One Direction" and thought "Zayn", then maaaaaybe it's on them? She didn't say Zayn.