Deejay Mcallister

I am not underestimating it, I think everyone is overestimating it. I think this is a good show, but sci fantasy not science fiction.

Considered that, and there is a huge difference between the patriot act and resorting to religious fanaticism. The patriot act was mainly flawed due to the wording and time frame involved, too loose and too vague. So it gave certain groups too much overreach for too long. The people in the show are willing to

I find the whole premise of this show implausible. It's hard to swallow how we'd suddenly regress to a stricter version of the puritan era even in the face of desperation. But I do love how it makes me feel the terror of the characters involved. How claustrophobic and hopeless it feels, how cruel and unusual

I love that they brought back Wrench, the deaf hitman. He and Nicki make a surprisingly good team.

I am curious how many sentences are going to be handed out for the riot, manslaughter, kidnapping, assault, etc…. Maria is up for a manslaughter charge, the Aryans kidnapping, some of what the Latina's did could be considered assault or sexual harrassment, same for the Aryans, etc….. A lot of the minor stuff will be

She's the least interesting character of the pack. Neither her nor Alex's story-line have the same weight as other characters. One because of how hard it is to relate, WASP in jail for drug trafficking, the other because of lackluster acting talent and not being terribly compelling. A poor girl with father issues

She blacked out, I've known several people that have done the same thing and they describe it as that terrifying. One moment they are driving trying not to yawn, the next moment they're leaping out of their skins because they crashed or hit something. It was like time skipped forward.

Still can't believe this show was extended to a second season. It is a mixture of the worse elements of a half dozen other shows that did it better.

On how it wasn't what he did that resulted in his murder, but a fake name that got him singled out and murdered by a half-wit. A number of random occurrences leading to getting mixed up between two feuding brothers and a gangster.

I think he was prepared for the band that had raided isles before. As he was warned, don't underestimate the sons of Ragnar in their revenge. They gathered an army bigger than had ever been seen before. He was still a dunce for not taking advice and not respecting his enemy enough to understand anything about him.

I am not sure if the invasion will happen this season, and think it is unlikely. We know Ivar is going to invade to avenge his father. But he has doesn't have any real power right now. Ragnar believed in him, but everyone else looks at him with a a mix of pity. He's going to have to prove himself to get enough

Looks like the Dr's new companion is going to be similar to Xev Bellringer. Strong, brave, good person, but not terribly bright. Interesting choice.

Magnus, wow, that was cruel. He wasn't a character we were invested in, but I did feel the pain of him being tossed out in the wilderness. I hope he gets a better turn, but I wouldn't count on it. Who knows, maybe he will succeed King Eckbert instead of his son with the chaos surrounding the impending invasion we

I thought Gerald should have faced punishment for his misdeeds. Trolling online is one thing, scapegoating your kids to your wife, that is something entirely different.

Gerald is really digging his grave deeper with every action. I wonder if Sheila would divorce him for this recent set of lies and shameless usage of his son to take the blame.

Liking the new team so far, they have good banter, they are all filling specific roles in a realistic sense, they are far from perfect and without Oliver would likely fail in a spectacular fashion, and they all feel like unique characters, not the same one with slightly different personality traits.

No, even when you go to her origin she wasn't intended to be a role model for girls. Originally it wasn't even going to be a female character, it was going to be a non-conventional hero that didn't resort to fighting to solve their problems, but it was eventually decided to make the character female and to base it

Both Batman and Superman have been pornographically objectified, both in costume and on actual Porn. Plus Wonder Woman is a bad analogy. She was written by a very sexually liberated couple who like to play with a tall dark haired woman. The story is loaded with sexual innuendo and comes across as a toned down

After Scott Tenorman must die I don't think anyone would believe a Cartman conversion unless it is part of a long con. It was like the Mr Burns episode where he tries to be environmental and PC, but ends up being more evil and can't discern the difference. Cartman is destined to be evil, it's just a matter of how

I think this was a good start, it felt like old South Park. Socially relevant but not trying to take a side, showing both as potentially flawed. Didn't roll my eyes at the douche vs turd sandwich reference, rather enjoyed it. Covers my feelings for the election, the two most likely people to win has a large portion