Deejay Mcallister

I can see what they were trying to do with Danny Rand, something got mis-communicated or likely the original series was rushed. Now his martial arts are better choreographed, and he acts as though he is learning from his mistakes, the same as the writers are learning how to do his character. In particular the scene

I can see what they were trying to do with Danny Rand, something got mis-communicated or likely the original series was rushed. Now his martial arts are better choreographed, and he acts as though he is learning from his mistakes, the same as the writers are learning how to do his character. In particular the scene

I think that Dany is making a mistake for ignoring Tyrion's advice. The evidence was right there, she was already going to have an uphill battle getting the people to accept her. The best she could have hoped for is tired acceptance, people too war weary to complain about her taking over. But this would have gone a

Not sure if I like Arya being a master swordsman now. I know she had good training, but it didn't last long, and most of her training was being an assassin. I pictured that as being specialized cloak and dagger activities; stealth, poison, deception, ambush, etc….. Being a master sword fighter doesn't fit her

She's already brought a Dothraki army with her. They aren't exactly great PR material, rapes, thefts, murder, and vandalism will be common even if she says not to. If she becomes queen, just for bringing in a foreign group of savages and eunuchs, she won't be loved and may well be hated. At best she will be more of

That's being debated as a possible plot hole. Although little has been said about Euron, I doubt he just built those ships. Many of them were probably captured from other nations and re-fitted or purchased from other groups. Since they haven't actually said, unless it was a throwaway line, he could have gotten them

I didn't say no one else did, they wouldn't have had it if no one had trained in it. I doubt everyone was trained in it, they just didn't have enough time. Bronn may not have been expected to learn it. Jamie is as clever as Tywin and similar to Napoleon knowing that speed was of the essence. I think they were

I don't think that they've faced serious armies in their home lands. The really strong cities are heavily fortified and in rugged terrain. So I think they have mainly been knocking each others heads around and raiding farmers and outlying trade cities for fun and profit. If they faced a committed army they wouldn't

She may not have the right people or the right resources. Armor wasn't cheap and armoring a dragon would be something previously undone. Unless there are family records, but who would hold them now? Definitely not Dany, she's been shown to be pretty ignorant of details of family history. Just the broad strokes.

Bronn's whole thing is being a lot more clever than he appears. He probably trained in it before they left but didn't expect/want to have to use it.

I was pretty neutral on the fight. Though I loathe Cercei and think she would make a terrible queen. Dany is going to ruin the land in retaking it. What she has done already will probably make her hated. The Dothraki will play as nice as they have to. So stories of rape,torture, and murder for fun will be

The opening murder of the Frey's was way too gratuitous and quick. It doesn't feel like it fits the tone of the series. But it more likely that they wanted to take care of that quickly since Waldo was dead and no one cared about his family.

I actually liked this episode more than the previous three. None of them are what I would call high quality, but this episode held my attention for periods of time. The previous episodes were dull. I can see what they were doing with them, but the acting and directing didn't pull it off.

Not correct. You said rape was legal in NC and by extension the US, it is not and is absolutely a felony offense. There are laws surrounding it in NC that makes prosecution difficult, and they are already being challenged. Why feminists took this long to challenge it instead of banning bossy and obsessing over Emma

I doubt the Master is gone entirely, maybe Missy, and then maybe not. She could have been playing possum, having absolutely remembered more than what she was saying and prepared for the situation. The previous Master was more of a monster, fast and vicious. Maybe Missy was all about the long con.

Star Trek didn't really steal the Cybermen, they made it pretty obvious. Dr Who references appear throughout the whole run of the show and in particular first season the Borg appeared. The first time they are mentioned they have the names of actors who played the Dr in order on a screen in the background and the

Oversimplification and not really true. The nationalist and in particular the white nationalists were a small but very vocal part of his support base. There was a large sect that was anti feminist, but that was more opposed to third wave feminism not a return to the 1950's female stereotype. Add to that a number of

I would say this ranks right up with Blink and the Doctors Wife for creepiest episode and creepiest with the Cybermen.

Felt sloppy, hopefully the remaining episodes will be tighter.

Not at all, that was the left bungling it so badly they sunk the ship when it should have been an easy victory. His biggest and most vocal backers weren't religious fanatics it was the alt right a largely nationalist group even more loosely connected than the religious right. Trump has proven to be and indecisive