Deejay Mcallister

If I was looking for acting work I wouldn't find it shocking. I would just want to know what she considered hot and an example of a smoldering look.

I think I will watch one of the late shows, less people. I am debating seeing it this week or next week. The thing I hate is people playing the Mystery Science Theater game, and with all the buzz against the movie, there is likely to be at least one person that won't shut up.

I am being completely honest with myself, if there hadn't been articles of fans complaining about her death, I probably wouldn't have given her a second thought. There are ways to show presence and intensity in subtle fashion, all the actress did was keep the same stony expression throughout the series. To top it

Exactly, not a very good actress either. But I think she was mainly selected because she looks good in Roadwarrior garb.

Main difference is that Robb Stark is a character with depth, Lexa was a plot device that become more popular than expected. When it was time for her to take a bullet and move the plot, she was DOA.

The episode ended abruptly, they may very well deal with some of the fallout from this season with the next, i.e three hundred murdered and Bellamy. They were dealing with pain and shock and death, details and trials can wait.

They had to do more physical labor in their daily life so food like that was common. Now a days people don't have to walk more than a few blocks if they want to so diets have gotten lighter so we don't balloon out.

Lexa was a statue, no drive, no background, no vulnerability, no character. Though the actress looked good in tribal attire she mainly just sat there with a stony gaze and gruff demeanor killing or beating all competition with little doubt on who would ultimately succeed, what little we knew about her could have been

Ah, I am guessing you are part of the 100% consent movement made popular by Laci Green, involving signing consent forms. You are correct in that respect, no forms were signed.

I don't believe it was rape. I think it was more that she was smart enough to know that Murphy was using her for his own ends, survival mainly, and knew what type of bastard he was. Most of his resistance came across as rather coy and most of her threats weren't of the, have sex with me or I will kill you, more, I

She was a plot device with no depth existing only to push the story in the direction the writers wanted. If there hadn't been an uproar about her death I would have quickly forgotten her.

Ontari is a shallow broadly painted character? So was Lexa, and there is more heart to Ontari's performance than the stony and rather dull Lexa. The sex scene between Clark and Lexa felt almost like it was more duty than anything. We've been through a lot now we must bond. Where the scene between Ontari and Murphy

The book had a lot more going on, and described things in greater depth. The yellow card man had more depth and mystery around him, the main character experimented with changing time before he jumped in, the school and his interaction with the students was a major part of the story, and Sadie was more stacked in the

A bit of a B movie, but fun because of it's flaws rather than despite them.

Mark Dacascos was one of the head hydra security men. Too bad they didn't give him a lot to do. Great martial artist, never much luck with movies, but very talented.
Studied with his father, never cared for him.

The Black Fleet Crisis is good one too. The discovery of a leftover top of the line Imperial fleet under the control of a savage and technically sophisticated race that has every intention of wiping out anyone that stands in their way and prides themselves in their lack of civility.

Technically it is still canon if they decide, they just haven't said yet. I imagine they will cherry pick what they want to use from the EU. They would have never followed it anyway, it as a complex and convoluted mess if you try to follow the timelines.

This felt like a return to what I liked about South Park, not afraid to hit both sides of the fence. Though the focus is still the PC fad, they weren't afraid to take shots at the police. Really showing that despite facades that we put on, both sides are just as corrupt as the other. The liberal crowd criticizing

Agreed, it is a little too preachy. I prefer when they were able to keep their social commentary more subtle and shift themes from episode to episode. Now it as the forefront and it sometimes feels like a different show. Maybe they are experimenting since they have been doing the same thing for so long. This

I liked how he had to pull the sandwich out of a girls mouth, but this one was a little on the preachy side for me. They have spoofed liberals before where it felt more organic, i.e. Cherokee Hair Tampons.