
I'm torn because I hate violence but I also hate Fox News.

My attitude entirely. I'm into extremely rough and aggressive sex as well, but I have never, ever assumed that even if someone has said "I am, too!" that it constitutes consent on their part until the moment actually arrives. Even then, I've always checked with them, made sure they're okay to continue, blah blah blah.

An equivalent to his actions would be like someone accused of rape showing off a sex tape saying "look, a woman has before wanted to have sex with me", as if that was at all relevant to the allegations.

It is possible to bruise a consenting partner in the context of BDSM, how that is proof that all your partners have consented to such I do not know.

She may or may not have been a shitty parent, but you can be the best parent in the world and still have a screwed up kid, because culture, community, and possibly genetics play a part in who someone becomes. She also seems to have raised Anna to be strong enough to call June on her crap.

I am glad that there is someone in the lives of these children to advocate for them. Grandma Hale is great for taking Anna to the police and stepping now. Sadly this scenario is so common in real life. I can only hope each child that is at risk in this way has SOME adult willing to step up like this.

Thank you, grandma. No matter how it turns out, at least someone's looking out for the girls.

I don't think you're off base here. The idea that an educational institution should be completely responsible for everything that happens to students is unrealistic.

I think I would need to know the details of the case. In general, your point is valid. A college is an educational institution, not a surrogate parent for thousands of adults. On the other hand, did they respond appropriately after her report was filed? Have they taken steps to work with authorities to lessen the

I think your point is somewhat valid. But, a university is required to enforce the law. And I think here the point is that the university knew illegal activities were taking place, enough so to warn people about said activities, but did nothing to prevent the activities. It's like saying that the university knows

I'm sure I'll get hate for this, but I don't believe it should be a college's responsibility to protect their students at all times in every aspect of their lives. There is a ridiculous amount of mission creep in modern universities, in which a college is expected to service every aspect of a student's life

Get stuffed.

Why would anyone be mad? They should feel lucky that they aren't having to go through what this woman is.

100s of nurses and doctors in the US have treated ebola patients here, but we aren't quarantining them, right? I read that at least 70 health care providers will come in contact with Dr. Craig Spencer. They aren't being asked to stay in their homes for 21 days. Is ebola only scary when it comes directly from Africa?

Ebola: providing content for dinner-table conversations since 2014.

I got into a big fight with my husband about this last night. He was all "better to be safe than sorry" and I argued that YOU CANNOT LEGISLATE BASED ON WHAT YOU FEAR MIGHT HAPPEN, YOU NEED TO BASE POLICY ON ACTUAL FACTS. ahem, sorry. I'm still worked up about the stupidity of it all.

She lives in Fort Kent, a small town of less than 5,000 people on the border with Canada. What are we afraid is going to happen, exactly? That she infects a Canadian and they make us look bad with a prepared, reasonable and rational response?

I will someday have children of my own, and I don't want them to grow up with this. That is why I am so hard on myself about my thought patterns. I don't want to instill the patriarchy in them. I know I can't completely divorce myself from it or divorce them from it, but I hope that it will at least be better enough

I was using flawed, patriarchal logic that others have brought to my attention. It's a side-effect of being a male and raised in this society; I didn't even notice I was doing it until people started pointing out the flaw.