Whats your point? Everyone knows that.
Whats your point? Everyone knows that.
Lol. That is the very first time in my life i have ever been accused of being a republican. Intersting.
and I hope the bus crushes your head while your family watches, and your family is a little shaken but mostly relieved because they hated you, too.
You obviously think very little of real victims of sexual assault. You're a shit human being and I hope you get run over by a bus.
Psh. Typical Jezzie. Asking for unbiased fact-based sources. Harrumph.
I haven't blamed a single victim. I'm requesting that you back up your claim about Chelsea Clinton. You either can or you can't.
Will you click on the link to my stupid blog if I provide it? Because I totally will. I have no shame.
It's bad form to say things like that: completely damning and also absolutely vague. You're an anonymous commenter asserting your expertise without offering so much as a link. And until I've heard at least one example of what you're talking about combined with a legitimate secondary source (not The Drudge Report, for…
Also, Chelsea is like twice Bristol's age.
Incidentally, there's nothing "stupid" about my blog.
Does anybody actually do anything productive here or is it pretty much just this kind of shit all day every day?
Right? I'm as liberal as they come but if someone published my random, not for for consumption comments and remarks, I would be a lot more like Bristol than Chelsea (minus the "liberal media" BS of course). Fuck is my favorite word.
Right? Exactly how I felt.
You can dislike the Palins and still not support childish, elitist, sanctimonious drivel like this.
After years of reading without commenting, I made and account just so I could like this.
No, but hopefully you're saying that to defend Bristol, because being a single mom at 17 is fucking HARD.
Or a man saying, "I was curious if I could care about access to contraceptives on some fundamental level, and I couldn't."
It's like a non-diabetic saying "I don't give a shit about injectable insulin."
a. My little sister comes up to me and says "some old lady just fucking pushed me, she just hit me." Oh fucking hell no, no one's gonna touch my sister.
I wouldn't give a shit about money either if I already had as much of it as Chelsea Clinton does.