
It’s not hard to imagine many of those were protestors. I am generally aligned with BLM and I have been considering joining a police department for about a decade now. It has been really intriguing to think about being a contructive, challenging officer who could impact the culture of a department in a positive,

“She wanted to jump in on my plans and then have her own separate celebration later.” Yikes.

wtf. My friend quickly married her beau before he was shipped off to thanklessly dodge bullets overseas for 15 months and if she’d asked to have to share a bachelorette party I would have been thrilled to do it and I’m sure she would have done the same. Man, I am so glad I don’t have shitty friends who are more

It seems well too late for that.

They actually discussed this in their statement, noting they will use it to fund the transition for all its current students and accepted freshman who have already paid their deposits, and to pay for severances and transitional support for the faculty and staff, all of whom are losing their jobs.

No they aren't. I've personally seen that stuff.

And I couldn't even see it in the greys after it was dismissed!

I know! So lame.

Why'd you assholes delete the relatively well-started comment about how trolly this article is?

Bullfighting is cruel and wrong. Full stop.

I don't even understand how this is revenge. She surprise informed him she knew he was cheating. I don't get it.

Whatever you say, Grandpa.

You're wrong.

"What objectifies women more than placing their images for the sole use of male sexual gratification?"

What the fuck are you talking about? Just because specific images of sex are anti-feminist doesn't mean all of them are.

Not a study. Every study. Every study on wage differentials in the US shows a wage gap based on race.

"an 11 Bravo victor"

Since you haven't seemed the type worth having a substantive conversation with, I haven't bothered to mention that I literally do not know a single libertarian who does not acknowledge the wage gap. One self-identified libertarian cringed at your comments this morning; he was the only person not laughing. I have


I just loled so hard. So many cliches packed so densly! And you're a misogynist too; I should have guessed. Ad hominems are always a true sign that your argument is lost.