Possible repost; kinja keeps freezing on my phone.
Possible repost; kinja keeps freezing on my phone.
No, it is you who is missing the entire point. What you consider "racist attacks" I consider attacks on racists. No doubt there are some legitimately anti-white racism, I see none of it in this thread and it has nothing to do with this article. I see a bunch of people piling on an oblivious white racist. That…
I (nor any other reasonable person) don't consider making fun of white racist individuals to be racial insensitivity.
"I can refute your insane propaganda."
The word cracker has never meant "socially aware, racially sensitive white person." It has always meant a very different kind if white person. If you think one white person correctly making fun of an oblivious white racist is "anti-white racism," I find that laughably wrong. I doesn't offend me if some white person…
I neglected to add, I haven't personally experienced any of this white racism that has your panties all in a twist. If you really believe that referring to Taylor Swift as "white people music" constitutes racial abuse, then I have no response for you other than laughter.
This was the most eye roll inducing thing I've read in ages. I can't wait until you dinosaurs die off. I'm an affluent white person; it does me no harm at all to acknowledge the wage gap and other proof of white privilege. Nor does it harm any if my white friends and family who acknowledge this privilege (I don't…
Are you serious? White privilege is the phenomenon that can be demonstrated in the (observable, measurable) fact that statistically, black persons with equal work experience and educational backgrounds are consistently paid significantly less for the same work as their white counterparts (this phenomenon is broadly…
What anti-white comments are you even talking about? I don't understand how referring to Taylor Swift as "white people music" is anti-white. But keep boxing those windmills, dude.
Recognizing the demonstrably real phenomenon of privilege is not racism. White people who recognize it aren't racist, they're observant.
Dude. So many of you idiots falling for this troll. Normally I don't like trolling, but I found this one delightful. Just dozens of you repeating the same thing over and over. A big internet high-five to factsonly1
You must be new here.
What are you talking about? The guy in the video was 13 when he was assaulted. Why is that your takeaway?
certainly it will remain, in subtle deeply ingrained way. I'm a woman and a feminist and I participate in patriarchy everyday. We don't need to shame ourselves about it; it's the culture in which we were raised - it would be impossible for us to completely divorce ourselves from it. We just need to be critical,…
Yeah. Women have been full participants in patriarchy for as long as it has existed. If women ceased to participate, patriarchy would collapse in an instant. Patriarchy doesn't exist because men are all powerful beings and women are impotant weaklings; it exists because it is deeply and often invisibly sewn into…
"Salem Witch Trials were actually a women-on-women event, so that one can't be blamed on patriarchy."
Uh...pretty sure Madam S. is most definitely not a republican.
"a movement you've been a part of since the beginning"
You were one of these 4chan guys? http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2014/09…
Perfect, perfect, perfect response.