I hesitate to speculate on a reason for the cut...BUT a glance at the Wasserman team page seems to reveal a bunch of lame ass nerd-looking mother fuckers working there.
Well, national anyway.
And yet here we are. Don’t blame the blogger, we are the ones who keep coming back for more instead of going to those sources.
Jesus, this. I like how the winter turns every fucking blogger into an immunologist and epidemiologist with a PhD from the University of Listicle.
Emily, I’m a heavy air traveler, North America, Western Europe, and Asia and I have my own routine for stay well and avoiding illness during trips.
Baseball is good.
So this “story” is just a bunch of reddit posts strung together?
That’s because she’s always getting rear ended.
So Metsy.
pretty strange tbh
The NFL season kicks off tonight, and with the return of real football comes the start of the fantasy football…
Maybe McGrath would feel more comfortable if the towel were a sheet instead.
Making fun of his weight is just picking low hanging fruit, which Christie would never touch, unless it’s covered in chocolate or filling a pie; because he’s a fatty fatty 2x4, can’t fit through the kitchen door.
How about improving the ability to turn off the alarms once they go off?
This will likely have a huge impact on dozens of shoppers.
It certainly didn’t help that Manfred referred to the meeting as a “powwow”.
I'll give you a pass on Beamish not making the list since it's not sold in the US, but no Kilkenny? Major oversight.