
Her humor was just too dry for a morning show in Sacramento. I thought she was fine. They were just awful to her. She answered all of their questions, even ones like- you’re so busy! How can you focus? What kind of question is that? She still tried her best to answer it. I thought she was a good sport. I expected to

While she wasn’t being hyper and smiley, I thought she was gave thoughtful responses to the questions, even if a couple started with a sarcastic joke. I think the reason it didn’t play well is because of the feed/having to listen for responses. It didn’t even really seem like they listened to anything she said. They

They set a horribly disrespectful tone from the beginning. They also confirm the stereotype that so many Americans just don’t get sarcasm.

Geezus those Good Day Sacramento knuckleheads are THE WORST. Yuck.

Oh Ben, how fucking cliche.

Poor Nas, always the bridesmaid.

“Next you’ll be telling me how Black people use the N word why can’t white people?”

(any excuse)

I got to go out to dinner with my parents and sister, and my folks got me a pair of pearl earrings (I was going to college in the Super-Preppy South, and going without pearls would have been UNTHINKABLE).

nice to see that Ed Sheeran’s transformation into Ser Jorah, Lord of the Friendzone, has finally been completed.

I don’t think they should have to do that but I agree there is that expectation. That’s why I think white allies bear the real burden in walking their privilege-blind brethren through the valley of racism.

Honestly, this is how a lot of people I know express themselves. We don’t want to talk about race because if we do, we’re either told to “check our privilege” or “take a seat”. So we don’t talk. Then, we get called out for not talking about race, and are accused of being ignorant or willfully ignoring the issues POC

let’s do have such a discussion, though! i’m pretty fascinated by this.
i’m a white, and grew up in south africa, a place where my skin colour was not native, where i was the offspring of colonists who rapidly exploited the country for all it was worth. i was once one of those pretentious kids who said “i may be

I look forward to a fruitful and positive discussion in the comments...

I don’t remember a 1989 track about showing more respect for women of color

Of course they are, now they have to re-write their dozens of “I Hate Taylor Swift” articles to focus on some other flaw she has.

ie: I once was at a Red Sox game and there was a row of four children directly behind us, no exaggeration, screaming at the top of their lungs for fun. They competed who could be the loudest and highest pitch for about half an hour when one of our neighbors finally went and found an usher. The usher got the kids to

Re: your last paragraph:

I live in Maine and have actually been to this diner. I think the important thing to know about Marcy’s is that it really is a hole-in-the-wall. There are maybe 5 tables and one counter that might seat a dozen. It is tiny and cramped and hot (because the griddle is 3 feet from the counter), but the food is delicious