
Hello, I recognize this is unacceptable under any circumstances but it is not only white folks overstepping boundaries. A close friend of mine in South Africa is mixed race and has long dreadlocks but culturally “black” due to upbringing under apartheid. He has had countless occurrences of black folks touching his

My mother was an Orthopedic Nurse for 40 years. These are the people that take care of you when your body is spindled and mutilated. She saw a lot of stuff.
One of her biggest points of anger are people who say Marriage is “just a piece of paper”. Sure, but all your legal rights are written on pieces of paper. They

If I could still star articles, Bobby, I would. This is a film review worthy of Charlie Jane Anders.

This season is a narrative mess. Nolan’s worst storytelling impulses were kept mostly at bay in the first season—or were present in much more subtle ways, but this season is borderline unwatchable half the time.

Someone at the DM wrote, “How dare she wear white when she was married before!” and I was sorry to see my reply, “It was strictly anal.” deleted so quickly.

Fully agree. An abuser killing their child as a “fuck you, you can’t have him either” to the other parent is infinitely more common than an abused party killing their child to ‘protect’ them from an abuser. In fact off the top of my head I couldn’t even name a case where the latter scenario occurred.

At one time when I was walking, I had Lulu, I told Lulu, “Lulu I don’t feel good,” and she would say, “What’s wrong? I have to go to the bathroom.”

Good. Screw anyone trying to excuse her by trying to make the krim’s look like bad employers.

She does hair and it’s a passion of hers. She also takes the girls out to lunch with other influential women in their community. Maybe as an adult, you can say you don’t think there should be value placed on things like hair and make-up, but girls who are growing up are still learning and experimenting with what

Her parents don’t have much - Fergie has had money trouble for years - and she’s a relatively minor royal. Also looks good to the British public, many of whom think the whole family are slackers living off the dole.

For all the talk of “these allegations have been known for 25 years”, it’s difficult to convey jut how unconvincincing the initial allegations came off to the public when they were first made in 1993. It all was essentially reported as loony Mia Farrow making stuff up as revenge for the Soon-Yi affair. It certainly

There’s no such thing as a “tranq gun” that’s safe for use on humans. When you see animals being shot with tranquiliser darts, the amount of drugs involved is specifically pre-calibrated based on a known bodyweight and in many cases the complete medical history of the animal. You can’t just shoot someone with a dart

Rape is a horrible, terrible thing that really happens. Stephen King writes about terrible awful things that happen. Sometimes the evil-doer is supernatural and sometimes it is human, and what he usually manages to show us is that humans can be far worse than supernatural entities. I don’t see why writing about rape

I write fiction and I teach criminology. It’s incredibly difficult for me to write fiction that doesn’t include some sort of sexual assault or rape because that’s what I read and teach about for work, the stuff that happens in real life. It’s very difficult for me to disengage the two because rape is so prevalent.

In fairness, he is a horror writer, so it makes sense he’d write about terrible things.

I believe parts of this book were written by actual mountains of coke.

In 2011, when it was amended, Andrew’s daughters, Beatrice and Eugenie, would’ve come before Edward. so Charles, William, Harry, Andrew, Beatrice, and Eugenie would’ve made the first 6. Then Edward and his two children, who would’ve come before Anne.

It is. It’s called the Royal Marraiges Act of 1772. Amended in 2011 to only apply to the six closest in line.

*If*, and it’s a huge *if* he really is proposing, it’s not even in the same country, just the same continent. If William had proposed in London, would that mean Harry wouldn’t be able to propose anywhere in the British isles?

Right? As a child seeing tabloids in the grocery store, I thought Camilla was an old witch and Charles was an evil man to poor beautiful Princess Di. But now as an adult, I think, man, relationships are messy and hard and sometimes people fuck up, but Charles and Camilla are really a true love story.