Hey Girl in the Moonlight

Stenberg’s character’s outfit is by far the most revealing in terms of cleavage tho. It was obviously about her (and maybe other characters to a lesser extent).

You’re getting into some deeply problematic territory if you’re trying to say that a comment about a black woman’s body in a film isn’t about her body.  If this movie is as bad as Wilson thinks, she could have talked about it without complaining about Stenberg’s tits.

Exactly. I’ve seen the movie and, outside of a brief pool scene at the beginning, Stenberg is the only one with actual cleavage. So it makes sense to feel personally targeted.

I’m really not even sure where to start responding to this, so I’m just going to say if you watched this and your takeaway was that Bruce fit in that kind of mold of a flat or stereotypical character, then we had very, very different experiences with the show.

Honestly I don’t blame Stenberg for saying something snarky. Have you seen the movie?? It’s not sexualizing anyone. It’s a slasher, funny movie but there really are not any tits or sex in it... except if you count her wearing a tank top. I have no idea what movie this woman was watching if that is what she got from

She accomplished being the white woman victim of the week and needing to take her Twitter account private.

Stenberg is not crying victim here.

I thought the show hit on women’s experience in professional settings quite well too. I’m a man, but one thing I see all the time in regards to the VP of my company, who is a woman and has over two decades of experience in our business, more than most of our vendors and customers, and during meetings guys will start

She could be dead fucking serious and it wouldn’t change how ridiculous Wilson’s reaction was.

Regardless of the original review or Stenberg’s reaction to it, Wilson taking the private conversation public while simultaneously complaining about how Stenberg’s public persona gives her power is absolutely absurd. It’s one of those cases where the reaction overshadows the initial infraction.

So the reviewer makes a reductive comment about how the movie is just an advertisement for cleavage, a star from that movie sends a private message joking that if the reviewer had paid more attention to the film than the cleavage, maybe she would have gotten more out of it, and somehow the reviewer is a victim?

I don’t think Banner was portrayed poorly. The thing is, all men are kind of like that. I know great guys in my real life, family, male friends, etc, and they will still have these moments where they say or do things that yeah might be sexist. It’s not who they are or a terrible reflection on them as a person. Women

caricature Sexist Male Colleague

so in which reality/society men are allowed to “hulk out” in their everyday lives?

Oh god

Or, hear me out. It’s showing what women go through at work and in life?

It was mostly on Black twitter, not surprised that folks around here weren’t aware of it and don’t seem to grasp it, really. This article leaves out that crucial context: it wasn’t the internet in general that went in on Zoe Kravitz, it was Black people specifically and I think knowing that helps frame her

Yes, Pugh is only 24. Why, that’s nowhere near consenting adult age! She’s no different from a 12-year-old and must be protected! No way she can make her own decisions regarding who she wants to date!

Look, there’s no way to enshrine it in law in a consistent way but... if you cheat on your spouse when you have a 6 month old baby you are owed a couple slaps. That’s just what it is. 

Maybe, but you don’t think he keeps getting asked if he’s reached out and what the response was? Seems more straightforward here.