Hey Girl in the Moonlight

We’re not delivering a neutered Doctor

I was only ever really familiar with her big hits (my favorite being Trouble way back), and recently decided to listen to a few of her albums. She’s so wordy! She reminded me of Eminem, always trying to fit in that extra lyric because they think it’s just too clever to take out. Felt so corny to me at times. Like

Face it — it ultimately doesn’t matter. It will sell a billion copies and end up filling up the number 1-10 streaming spots, will be omnipresent on the radio and in public spaces, and she’ll make truly gross amounts of money. It’s a machine that will only die when she decides to kill it. 

Remember when Kyle Rittenhouse was aquitted and white incels all over America celebrated bc AR 15s are more important than public safety and common sense?

Whose opinion is this? Is this the opinion of Black people that you’ve spoken to? Because as a Black person, I think you might have misunderstood some things. It is ALWAYS the right time for white people to speak out against racism. They’re the ones who built this fucked up racist system we’re all living in. It is

Are there examples of this happening historically in cases like this, or are we just making up reasons people shouldn’t speak out against racism?

I wish I knew immediately whether this was a joke.

God I am so sick of these Jason Aldean articles. I wish they would go away.

This article took so many detours I forgot how it started.

Ted Demme is dead. Demme has some culpability, but it is a bonkers stretch to make him not the primary person responsible for his own behavior.

Background does not deserve that abuse either. It’s a job like any other job.

Really! I was expecting something else.

Apparently Lola and I have a different definition of ‘reamed’

“how brave of this person to sit on the story”

It’s not inconceivable that a woman who grew up in Texas is well familiar with country.

Exactly. Lots of comments here dismissing Stewart as being naive and his solution as something those in power would never accept, as if he doesn’t realize the latter. His whole is point with the “no preconditions, no earned trust, no partners for peace” preamble is that those have all been smokescreens used to obscure

She’s hilarious and I want her to be mean to me

Sounds very Trump-like. “He came up to me, and with tears in his eyes he said...”

“Greenbook" won an Oscar 5 years ago. People still like pat answers and comfortable stereotypes. I think its best to think of it as just a little hyperbole.