Hey Girl in the Moonlight

So I see we’re letting incels out of the grays now. I don’t care how much Megan does or doesn’t wear, how provocative her dances are - she was obviously shot at by someone and none of the previously mentioned things justify it.

I remember when news first broke and so many folks were cracking jokes about it happening. All that “protect Black women” rhetoric was proven to be highly performative and selective. 

The worst thing about these websites not being what they used to be is the unchecked trolling from accounts seemingly in the black.

Ah, OK; that makes sense.  Thanks!

That’s why I’m here, I’m on team trainwreck. I just hope after this is over, they both crawl down a hole somewhere and I never have to hear of them again.

Agree with everything you’ve said, except I’m unclear on why you included “pro-BDSM.”

There’s a massive leap between “people want to see him” and “other industry professionals should give him awards”

She’s responding to the Grammys’ choice to reward him. We as a society, for better or for worse, look to these awards panels—Oscars, Grammys, Pulitzer, etc.—to be the arbiters of what we hold to be exemplary, “the best,” condoned, marked with a stamp of not just approval but quality, worth. C.K. is perfectly within

Thanks for letting us know 

That trial of the gods scene was so damn stupid and ultimately unnecessary that I still keep cracking up about it.

That he wins for an album joking about what he did feels like a total slap in the face for the women he harassed and abused.

Yeah! He admitted to exposing himself and made less money than he could have made for a couple of years—what more does this uppity broad want?

Andrew has almost certainly tried to pressure uninterested women into watching him masturbate

Our justice system doesn’t know how to deal with sexual abuse and is designed to make it impossible for women to get their claims addressed properly. If he had gone to trial, been convicted, and say, spent a year in prison and paid a settlement with his victims, he could come out and restart his comedy career and

Especially considering that he fully admits to everything he’s accused of, could we not at the very least disqualify him from awards contention?

Lmao, this must be judd apatow’s account

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised some people would have this level of impatience from only two episodes, even though both are loaded with information. Come on, it’s not like Wandavision where they wasted two entire episodes. There wasn’t a single frame wasted.

Rock didn’t make a joke about alopecia. He compared her to Demi Moore.”

For an extremely specific reason, which was baldness, which in Smith’s case is due to alopecia.  

Hey, you make fun of a woman’s appearance at your peril.

It was a lazy, hacky joke referencing a movie from 1/4 century ago. He deserves the slap for that alone.