Hey Girl in the Moonlight

I feel like at this point there’s more Will Smith slaps Chris Rock articles than there ever were about Bill Cosby or Mel Gibson or Kevin Spacey.

The Oscars Baffling Everyone By Celebrating The Snyder Cut :: The AV Club putting everything into slideshow format

I don't know where we got this idea as a society that violence is always wrong. Some people just deserve to have the taste slapped out of their mouth.

Through his teen years and rise of his career Noah’s mother was being victimized by his stepfather with all the “well what were YOU doing” that takes place in those situations. Penultimate incident involved her getting shot in the head, luckily she survived it. The last part of the 10 minute segment was him explaining

This is why I don’t like TERF’s— their very narrow criteria of “what counts as a woman” excludes not only trans women, but also a lot of cisgender women who are “too muscular” or “not feminine enough” in other ways.

I’m surprised and disappointed commenters here are so quick to side with Campion. “Oh, it’s no big deal” ... “Oh, she apologized” ... “Oh her apology was so thoughtful” ... Oh, she didn’t mean it” ... “Oh, she was nervous.”

Exactly. *WE* get it.

Because Black women are marginalized in a way that white women aren’t? That’s what intersectional feminism is all about. 

John McEnroe?

This is significantly worse than what Sam Elliott said. Having a negative opinion of a piece of art vs denigrating and undermining the lives of two of the most celebrated athletes in the world. Tip top. 

“ don’t play against the guys, like I have to.”

Ah, ha ha ha ha.


It was such a clumsy apples and rockets comparison. Venus and Serena compete in a sport where there are physical differences in players. Jane is competing in the creative arts where men and women are mentally equal. Both have to deal with sexism and misogyny, so Jane doesn’t get extra points. The more I think about

Why would a woman tell another woman, “you don’t have to deal with or compete with a bunch of men like I do”.

That’s because before his podcast started, we knew he was a piece of shit. His views haven’t changed over the years. Are you saying he doesn’t constantly say racist, misogynist, and false things?

Every piece of shit Joe Rogan fan trots that shit out every fucking time.  Just say you're racist trash, dude. Own it

If I were Joe Rogan I simply would not have amassed a decade-plus worth of sound bites that make me sound like a terrible human being

Sucks that internet randos get pissed when black people set boundaries about what parts of their culture they don’t want appropriated

If only it was just him dropping the n-word, but the dude also thinks black people have different brains.

You don’t get to go, “Oops, the racism was accidental!” when you’re spouting phrenology-like bullshit.