Remember the first season when it was called Navy: NCIS til someone realized the N stood for Navy. Good times.
Remember the first season when it was called Navy: NCIS til someone realized the N stood for Navy. Good times.
I was thinking of bad sex as sex where the people involved are not in synch with what they think should be happening when and mis-read the other’s cues. Or it’s boring. Or one person is overwhelmed by what’s going on (not overwhelmed in the sense of being forced, which is always bad sex by definition) and freezes up.…
T’Challa is from the fictional country of Wakanda. Not to be an obnoxious pedant about ti.
Got a pending reply to this that I can’t make show up because kinja is so efffing awful, but to be clear, I’m not just talking about Whoopi Goldberg here. Jews of Color include Jews through intermarriage and adoption, as well as large numbers of Sephardic and Mitzrahi Jews, living in both the US and Israel. In the US…
“you might simply have a situation where there aren’t enough Jewish actors to play Jewish roles”
There are plenty of Jews who are black.
Questioning representations of Jewishness (and the interesting point about “desirable” Jews being played by non-Jews) seems totally reasonable to me, but the way some people here are reacting, you’d think she said any gentile who ever played a Jewish character should be charged with a hate crime.
That...isnt at all what anyone is saying... Like...not even *a little bit*...
Assumptions don’t do anybody any good. We don’t know that a crime has even been committed. Do circumstances point to something suspicious? Yes, they do. But that’s not actually evidence. Everything you’ve said is an assumption. Should the police look into this? Yes, they should. But that’s where I leave it.
Michael Chernus is so sad right now.
“Its like a fucking law now or something, they just cant adapt something and leave ALL of it intact, AS IS.”
I can’t believe you forgot!
Internalized fatphobia is a real thing.
Are you really trying to pull “etymology equals definition” nonsense to deny that xenophobia and homophobia and Islamaphobia don’t mean hatred of those groups?
It has already been pointed out that phobia in this sense doesn’t just mean hatred but also an irrational fear or dislike of a specific thing or group of people. This society is extremely fatphobic. Recently someone came up with an idea for a device that wires your mouth shut such that all you are able to eat is a…
“There is no such action when it comes to weight.”
What do you mean is this a thing “now”? Where have you been for the last 30 years? And actually a lot of people are scared of your weight. They are scared they’ll one day get fat too, and so that morphs into hatred for fat and fat people.
Apparently you CAN put DaBaby in a corner.
So this is the fate of the one they call Olyphant, to roam the great television landscape from show to show to play a role simply known as: Marshal.