Hey Girl in the Moonlight

“Not to be rude but, how are you even coping with the fact that I find you physically repulsive? Because like, honestly? I’m really struggling with it.

Good for her! Backhanded compliments disguised as advice-seeking are jist the passive-aggressive's way of saying,"How dare you?! No really, how do you dare?!"

it really isn’t that hard to sort out.

Narcissism is not posting photos of your life or sharing your experiences. What IS narcissistic is looking at pictures of a tragic time in someone’s life and feeling uncomfortable, then being so deeply unevolved and selfish that you cannot deal with your feelings and lashing out at the grieving person.

As if a grieving mother would post a photo of herself crying, wearing a hair bonnet and hospital slippers, for fame and followers.

“glamour shots”? Did you look at the pictures of her crying before the epidural to deliver her still born child and think “wow that’s glamorous!” I too saw her pictures and thought “gee i love how shes rocking that oxygen mask I this one”. Yeesh.  What could a grieving parent be “thirsty” for in these circumstances?

That’s how you handle social media, not everyone else. Posting a lot of selfies doesn’t mean someone is narcissistic. 

I am a long time (10+ years) reader and first time commenter.

The one thing that helped me get over my overwhelming sense of guilt and shame over losing three pregnancies was actually reading an article about celebrities who had lost pregnancies. These were people who had access to the best medical care, a private chef to cook all the “right” foods, personal trainers to help

idk who cares, let people post selfies and just appreciate that they are feeling pretty that day, and stop making assumptions on why people do it.

Maybe the part of the problem with American culture is that we are constantly asking the victims of bad behavior to change their behavior instead of the perpetrators. I have truly never experienced a culture like this and I am a child of immigrants and lived lots of places.

I always cringe at blaming people for their own abuse because a social media platform outgrew itself before making a plan to handle abuse of its platform by the masses. Instagram (as now owned by FB) has no incentive to make itself good for people, and abuse should not be taken as a given. It’s what’s allowed because

People need to know that it is fine to not agree with someone’s way of life while understanding that expressing that opinion can be incredibly harmful. Chadwick Boseman was a live life quietly kind of man. His cancer diagnosis was not the only thing he did in silence. His marriage was carefully guarded. That

As I said elsewhere, undecideds are idiots who want to appear pensive, fair and balanced and crave attention. After four years of this shit no one should be “undecided.”

Being single is also an option. I’d rather die alone than marry someone who doesn’t support human rights.

Pretty much. My best friend for years was a full blown Republican(He liked to portray himself as a Libertarian but we all know that joke) whereas I’m a liberal leaning independent, and thus in this two party shitfest of a country vote Democrat.

As I said above, my own personal experience has made the idea that you ditch or accept people entirely based on their politics a pretty silly idea. That’s the sort of privilege afforded to people where people who share your politics are relatively abundant.

I could never fuck someone who supports Trump. It’s not even political - it’s a question of basic humanity.

I think you already know what to do. You just need help figuring out how to do it.