Hey Girl in the Moonlight

“I don’t want to be part of any room full of adults hemming and hawing over plastic trophies.”

Okay. See, this is a dumb joke argument to make because IF Buzz Aldrin DID take up filmmaking after his career as an astronaut, he WOULD have been a good choice. IF an aged filmmaker DID befriend aliens, they WOULD be a better contender for Cocoon. And this particular scenario isn’t as specific as those. There are

“Solo kicked ass. If he could identify with a space rebel pirate, he can figure this out.”

Hmmm... well really a director is the boss of the film (though of course they can be overruled on certain things by the studio, producers, etc.). The director is responsible (along with editors of course) for the movies pacing, focusing on certain aspects of the story and characters and ideas that may be important

Look, I think a lot of people mistake what a director does...including Wang.

yeh, but sometimes it’s just easier not having to explain every single thing when it comes to culture or history. or having to approximate it with something that’s culturally relevant to the other person.

I mean we’re talking about a guy who built his life around being Uncle Ruckus for white conservative sports fans. Literally no one likes him, not even the white sports fans he gets on his knees for to get a paycheck.

And there is nothing “Karen” about Katie Nolan, I don’t even know what the fuck he is talking about.

He called Serena Jameka Williams fat. Like the dude looked at the sunken place and said “lower” (and then made his career off that).

I would have assumed that any woman would be out of his league. 

The only reason this slewfoot motherfucker still has a job: White People.

I’m really confused by how Damon got the point of that scene, but doesn’t think it’s intentional. Indicting the police is basically the theme of that film. The climax is divided between Batman taking out a SWAT team that’s about to murder a bunch of hostages and the ship scene where a bunch of random civilians are

1) Jason Whitlock using the term “Karen” is like when your parents got on Facebook: We’re approaching the endtimes with that meme.

Lesson #1: If you’re ever in the same vicinity as Jason Witlock, just leave. No good will come from that place. He is unloved by his people and the others do not want him, He is an puss-filled cyst that will eventually wither away. If I had to choose between saving him or the fake Dr Lizardo from a burning building

Assorted thoughts:

I don’t know how you could see David and Alexis’ story arcs and say this show isn’t emotionally engaging. Also and especially Stevie. 

Once again “The Good Place” fans prove themselves to be the Star Was fans of sitcoms. The biggest bores in the room, ranting out loud to themselves.

This isn’t a math equation, dude. You aren’t going to answer the question of “is this racist and offensive” with pure contextless logic, no matter what Ben Shapiro told you.

Wearing a mask keeps you from touching your face. Maybe they just want to not touch their face until they can get home and wash their hands?

Uh from the very beginning. “Let’s subjugate a people and steal all their art and culture to display in a sanitary safe place for us to enjoy without all those pesky natives about.”