Hey Girl in the Moonlight

Uh, no. I don’t think that’s what is happening here. This story paints Becki as a sexual predator, sexually assaulting and harassing young men. Not as a nympho. Assuming the story is true (I think it is, there are receipts), I’m guessing there will be more young men coming forward. If Jerry was aware of this, and did

Unless I’m reading this wrong, he never gave her consent for oral sex. Essentially, he is saying this woman is a sexual predator who orally raped him.

And when Ellen looked down, there was only one set of footprints.

Have you considered that in light of how important this election is the rest of us just don’t really give a shit if you feel conflicted or not about it? He’s not the first (or second, or third, or fourth) choice for a lot of us but we haven’t spent the last 6 months crying about it.

“It’s also arguably sexist that you’re viewing there one way to be appropriate with women.”

I think you guys just can’t bear to see men held responsible for the consequences of their actions. The true Christian thing to do would be to empathize with the victims, but I never see you demonstrate so much as a sentence of compassion for them.

How bout people can choose to never support the piece of shit if they don't want to. Is everyone supposed to just let it go and enjoy his creepy jokes at some point?

He literally picked up his email list and sent out tour dates, many of which sold out. Then he directly distributed his special, which many comedy fans shelled out $5 for.

the uncomfortable thing is that they DID give their consent..

As i see it - the issue is that he was sort of in a position of power over them, and most importantly, that he/his manager tried to fuck with their careers when they went public.

he was not in a formal workplace setting for most of it

No one’s arrested Louie CK for this. Not having a career in comedy anymore after serial sexual assault is getting off VERY light. He can fucking dig ditches like the rest of us.

So at best, they care more about his well being more than the harm he caused to his victims both mentally and to their careers. And, at worst, they condone his behavior by continuing to associate with him.

He still did it, the fact that Chapelle continues to associate with him knowing this at best means he doesn’t care and, at worst, means he condones it.

I don't think anyone expects permanent exile, but there should at least be an honest attempt to learn from and atone for what he did. All I can see that he's done (after the apology) is lay low for like six months and then get pissy he wasn't welcomed back with open arms

If you continue to be friends with a man who who sexually harasses women than that certainly says a lot about you...

Nah we just don’t like people who normalize and defend sexual predators

I wouldn’t come straight out and ask any of my friends if they’d sexually harassed women; that would be presumptuous and rude. But if I found out they had I’d end the friendship. But if you’re asking about the line, I think lucrative opportunities in the competitive field of stand-up can be reasonably denied to people

This is an amazing fictional narrative you’ve spun here.  Nice work!

Wait, is AV Club allowed to have an opinion on who influential people decide to give platforms to, or are you trying to cancel AV Club?

It sure is neat how people keep holding up Louis CK as an example of a guy whose career was “ruined” by MeToo and “cancel culture,” and meanwhile he’s touring the country as the personal guest of the most popular comedian alive.