Nothing good ever happens at a Jenner house party
Nothing good ever happens at a Jenner house party
True. The stories told in tv and film and books are part of our collective culture and history, as are the true stories of [any historical racist jackasses you care to name]. Removing a celebratory/lionizing statue is not at all equivalent to removing access to films/shows/books we now find morally offensive. Removing…
exactly, pulling of those shows have nothing to do with protecting minorities from the kind of harmful imagery these shows had, but protecting said shows and white people from being called out in the future. dont hide your hand, yall knew exactly what yall were doing with those episodes, just be prepared to explain…
But don’t all those black folk look alike?
Racism gonna racism.
Naw fuck Rush Limbaugh.
Because it actually is a two-party system, and the other side has only ever made an effort to push white supremacy and “keep blacks in their place.” You’re basically arguing, “Now, I know that Batman hasn’t done much to combat crime on a systemic level, so why not side with the Joker?’
What I really hate about people like Chance is that they have the totality of mankind’s knowledge at their fingertips, but refuse to educate themselves. He thinks making money and occasionally tossing some to charity makes him some sort of erudite philanthropist. He has all the time and money in the world to educate…
I heard an interview with them years ago that they came up with the name while touring a plantation and liked how “antebellum” sounded. The answer was there all along.
Laughing through tears because we live in such stupid times that my post was entirely believable.
I had my hand over my mouth in horror
Something tells me that the average country fan won’t abandon them for this.
You mean a band of white folks with Grammys and a lot of money legally bullying a Black woman into changing her performance moniker ISN’T racial justice?
I did not say that surgery was required to be trans. I said that the best course of action for treating gender dysphoria is HRT and often surgery. HRT is not surgery. I also didn’t say that you had to have surgery to be transgender - I said that gender dysphoria is real and treating it involves gender confirming…
Your single question can be answered as such: All research and medical science show that gender dysphoria is real and that the best course of action for it is HRT and often surgery. So at a minimum learn to google. There have been years and years and years of research into these topics. Just because you aren’t aware…
The whole interview is extraordinary and I wish people will read it in its entirety. Thandie Newton’s work is incredible, she is so so talented. And her frankness and vulnerability in this interview is really something to behold. I hope she gets all the parts, wins all the awards, and writes her book.
The whole interview is amazing. I think I’ve just become an even bigger fan of hers.
I assume you have a medical degree if you’re going to make these kinds of comments? I’m sure you’ve read up on all of the research that has actually been done, right? Because then you’d know that there are decades of research into gender dysphoria. It has very clear guidelines on what you have to experience in order…
As I recall, the problem with Ms. Yoffe’s statement wasn’t so much the suggestion that getting blackout drunk was a bas idea but that doing so made the women at fault for their own rapes.
Just because a girl is drunk doesn’t give you a right to rape her, Mike.