Hey Girl in the Moonlight

It’s a very suspect thing for these two oddly similar looking guys to return around the same time. 

It’s really stupid because in the aftermath of The Death of Superman, people just assumed Clark was missing and presumed dead. After he came out of his “healing coma”, IIRC, Clark came up with an alibi explaining that he faked his death to go undercover for a story.

speak your truth or whatever, but also don’t put my fucking business out there. 

Granted, the scene is stupid, but they were technically digging up Clark Kent who should be in a regular-ass graveyard. That said, why work to keep the secret that they were two separate people even in death? It’s an onion of idiocy; there’s layers. Stupid on top of stupid.

Yup, don’t fucking out a poly group without their express consent. (I’m assuming this is poly, not sure what else it could be.)

For real, saying something like my truth puts is above reproach or criticism, as if it is a sacred thought passed down from Heaven and should never be questioned. Spare me.


I really hope, despite some back and forth over the years, that Marvel doesn’t abandon the Netflix versions of Misty and Colleen, who are likely the best characters to come out of those shows.

That scene is in the final movie, it was in a flashback when he was in Huston

I find Full Frontal with Sam B and Patriot Act to be the shows that put the most light on issues we might not otherwise hear about, and it’s probably a direct result of the fact that they have voices in the writers rooms that are underrepresented elsewhere. 

I don’t know why, whenever a move even remotely resembling Affirmative Action is proposed, a bunch of (probably white and 20-something?) F U C K W I T S automatically assume that this means a completely random black person will be suddenly plucked out of the crowd or possibly out of some kind of giant stadium-sized

The trivial, though, is where our blackness/otherness is so often ignored/erased. And those little things snowball to the big things. 

Haircare is trivial now?

I mean when I saw his name trending I thought “Oh god what white person’s ass did he kiss now in the name of keeping his spot at Fox.” This gives me such joy. I wish nothing but bad on the man who fat shamed Serena Williams, wrote a disparaging column about Steve McNair the day he was murdered no less, Called Donovan

What kind of piece of shit goes around bashing random cars parked in the street? They should be in front of the mayor's office or something similar, not breaking car windows.

Fuck him. Charge the guy with damaging private property but then Smith with felony battery.

I’m sorry, did the white guy in Nigeria got kidnapped from his local Abercrombie storefront and chained to a dinghy on a 4-month ride across the Atlantic and then made to work for free under constant whipping and sexual violence?

Did you forget that white people colonized many part of Africa?

This is applicable across the continent. Cosigning for Nigeria & speaking about Ghana, people rarely attack any oyibo or obroni, respectively. Indeed, if we’re being honest many White folks love going to Africa & the Caribbean where they can get some of the same antebellum south treatment while claiming themselves to

It’s OK not to post when you have absofuckinglutely nothing of value to contribute. You should try it.