Hey Girl in the Moonlight

I had listened to the Cate Blanchett interview last week and was relieved that Lunn Shelton was OK—just a little strep, ya know.

Oh gods, that was so awful! When she was just listing generic platitudes about being in a relationship!

There could be 8k video, audio recorded on multiple mics and a long line of witnesses. It wouldn’t do jack, police and their ‘Blue lives matter’ trolls would still move the goal posts all the day long.

No-knock raids should be illegal.

And the blowup was characteristic of Molly. She did the exact same thing at her parents’ vow renewal. I want Molly to grow, and every time it seems she’s learning a little something, she regresses in another part of her life. I hope she doesn’t take this bad energy with her to the office, because she just got that

I don’t understand how Molly asking Andrew if there was anything he could do to help Issa out would put a strain on their relationship. Either he could or he could not. Either he would want to help or he would not. Molly could easily have made it clear that it would make no difference with regards to her feelings

Ahmal was great. I love his feud with Kelli and wish we could see more of it.

Millennials (who are almost 40 btw)

What Issa only did is only shady when looking at it from a Molly-specific angle. Molly said no b/c she didn’t want to help, fine but she didn’t say she didn’t want Andrew to be involved. Molly’s a lawyer, she should have seen that Nathan-shaped loophole from a mile away.

Fck Molly type friends!

One more thing - maybe I’m alone in this, but once I hit ~30 YO, I realized I should abandon the use of the phrase “best friend.” If you’ve had a friend since middle school who is still your ride or die and probably always will be, sure, maybe they are still your best friend, what do I know?

So far, the season has tried to hold Molly and Issa at equal fault for their friend-breakup, but ‘Lowkey Movin’ On’ places almost all of the blame on Molly. It feels unfair to her character”

it IS mostly Molly’s fault though.

Didn’t really seem like it was over Andrew than it was over Issa overstepping Molly’s (really faulty) boundaries. Andrew is just the voice of reason same with Nathan honestly but it’s not about them.

I congratulate Issa for defending herself against Molly. In my opinion, Molly thrives off of Issa's struggles.  She's 1 of those type of friends that'll say, I told you so just for the sake of being right. The scene was pretty intense between the 2 characters.  Felt like I wanted to jump in between them. LOL..Molly

-Lex said “trust the process” twice and I’m wondering if there’s an angry 76ers fan on the writing staff.

Molly spends too much of her time keeping score.

Quote from article before edited: “For the low, low price of $19.99, please to by my cutting board.”

She started from a place of celebrity, of course it happened quickly and for others not at all.

2020 can fuck off. So much death, sadness and loss and somehow Trump and all associated with him are still drawing breath. Andre was the architect of so much of the 90's you cannot look at film, video, television show or article of clothing and not see his impact. He changed so much and still had much to offer. This

He is dead to me. DEAD. Die-hard Serena stan dead.