Hey Girl in the Moonlight

It’s all very sad. Many years ago, I read every page of the police interviews with both Kobe and his accuser. Remarkably, their stories are very, very similar, except on one point: consent.
Kobe thought she consented to what was basically “rough sex.” She said no several times to what he was doing, and at the point

Im not disagreeing with you but you can still hate him for what he did AND feel compassion for his family at the same him. Vanessa was with him since they were 17 and she lost her daughter too. Kobe may have been a piece of shit but I feel for what his family is going through right now 

I like how y’all pathetically try to dismiss everything as “smears” whenever someone points out faults with your cult leader. Get over it. 

Wait I thought people liked the High Sparrow because he NEVER changes, in fact it’s a thing I’ve seen people brag about constantly on various websites. So now change is good?

Does it really count as a “read” when it was ad-libbed?

Oh I’m not sexist. Everyone else is. But I’m just being a realist. You just don't understand how politics work!


An interesting concert experience this year. The good music was a bonus.

Some friends had extra tickets to a local Hozier concert. I like his music as does Mrs. Bitch, so we said yes and met the friends for dinner and the concert.

I estimate at least 75% of the audience was women under 30.

He came onstage after a very

Venezuela’s economic crisis was caused primarily by falling oil prices and the decision to peg the Bolivar to the U.S. dollar, which led to black market trading which in turn caused hyper-inflation. Neither of those have anything to do with socialism.

Sanders has a cultural blind spot. Of course, he opposes ethnic, racial, gender and identity bigotries, but he’s got the practical perspective of a childish libertarian who wants to pretend that none of that shit matters and is better off ignored. That if we become too focused on demanding cultural equality, we

Because his attempts to adopt language compatible with broader intersectionality notwithstanding, Bernie Sanders will occasionally forget all that Millenial gobbledeygook and revert back to being an ol’ timey 20th century Western socialist.

No part of me believes that Bernie has any interest in doing better. He’s made it perfectly clear that he’s not interested in confronting racism and sexism in specific ways.

Half a lifetime ago? Cenk said some of this shit 5 years ago. Just because he endorsed Bernie and Bernie endorsed him doesn’t make him a GOOD candidate. Especially to take over a seat vacated by Katie Hill. It’s shameful.

Yeah, I mean, I kinda think there are more than enough reality shows about following the day-to-day lives of people who seem to only be famous because there’s a reality show following their day-to-day lives. So...I watch The Mandalorian or Watchmen instead.

I don’t fully understand this. Can’t you just not watch them? There are a lot of very popular things that I won’t ever I just don’t spend any time or money on them.

That brief scene of Sara and Ray at the bar reminded how much I’ve missed those nutjobs.

Kara and Clark’s talk was wonderful, a great scene for both of them.

Glad I’m not the only one who saw the similarities in Lena’s and Bloodwork’s arc. They both see themselves as the hero. Maybe bringing Lena’s dead mom back to life is the way to stop her too.

Kinda Spoilers ahead if you want to go into this movie not knowing anything: