Hey Girl in the Moonlight

hot take

if you want to ruin your day, google ‘Holodomor’”

I think Robyn needed to express herself, after having to live in the shadows for so long. 

Look, I just keep waiting for Kamilla to mention her sister Tahani, is that too much to ask for show?

I would have loved this feature, honestly. I watch most Youtube content at 2x speed, I listen to audiobooks and podcasts at 1.75x speed... There are so many times that I’m watching some bs on netflix that hardly has my attention, but I just want to get through it and think “man, I really want to speed this up.”

I don’t want this feature. It is of no use to me. It’s obviously of use to some people. It’s an option that you would have to enable as a customer. It literally affects NO ONE. Shut up, Judd Apatow.

Most of those chucklefucks aren’t even really undecided. They just like being fawned over.

....Or as the recent Lizzo case brought to mind, if they read it in a pithy caption on instagram.

Ah classic AV Club, an article about black women and the comments are full of douchebags trying to tear them down.

As an Astros fan, I hope for a gentleman’s sweep. After Game 2 I accepted that we got manhandled by a better team, that the Nats are so good right now, and Houston can’t hit for shit. I don’t expect that to change. I just want them to win 1 game so that Trump gets booed out of the building in Game 5 and then see him

Now playing

Big Freedia is fabulous in everything and should always be front and center. For example, please enjoy Freedia as the star of the greatest local commercial for a personal injury lawyer ever made:

Hang on writer, you mention Boris McGiver and Michael Emerson, and fail to mention that they’re both in Person of Interest??!  If they do decide to get more PoI actors in, I’m hoping they get Amy Acker as Satan.  


Could you not say “casual powwow” please?

Your Michelin star/McDonalds example compares something available only to a very select few to something available to anyone with a single dollar. If you can’t see the classism in that, you need to pull your head out of your fucking ass.

This is and always has been a shallow and classist way to talk about art.

I love the MCU stuff cos it’s so brilliant to look at. I also love quiet indie films (though right now the only thing in my head is Truffaut). I *do* see artistry in MCU though, because the actual artwork and design that goes into the universe and CGI is indeed art, just a different type and I think it’s rude for

This is especially shitty for bi people, because she plays into the exact stereotypes that get us scorned by monosexuals in the queer community, not to mention how little straight people understand us anyway.

I think it’s pretty established by now that Barry moves at the speed of plot, and can move at anywhere between lightspeed and my morning jog depending on what he needs to be doing.

They’re both from Tottenham? I guess that...spurred them to be together.