Hey Girl in the Moonlight

The fact that he boils down her surge in the polls to those 2 things first. Not the rate at which she is churning out policy proposals. Not the fact that she is forgoing big donors and calls people who have donated to her campaign. I would say that’s why she is climbing in the polls not just people want someone

My goal in life as a scientist is to get published in PNAS. Still working on it

I went to her concert in SF 2 months ago. It was the first stop and it was the day after coachella so I was not sure what to expect. She was great. I recommend seeing her live if you can.

I feel like if what really upset you about the article was them saying the women didn’t consent then you pulled up all the places where he asked before he whipped his dick out to prove that no, he was a gentleman aware of consent, which he “got” so it is ok, you’ve missed the point. You basically played devil’s

Haven’t seen the movie so don’t know how brutal it is but this won’t be the first time on screen where brutal rape is depicted. It really is reductionist to continue to only depict a type of rape and say people don’t want to accept it happens. In fact, people only want to accept that it is rape when it is brutal.

Everyone keeps talking about how Ada isn’t playing but missed the tidbit that the team has been playing better since her absence!

You’re doing a lot of work to excuse this behavior by clouding it in he asked if he could do it so it is ok. Did you bother to ask why he felt it was ok to masturbate in front of women he had no romantic relationship with? We can say comedy isn’t a typical workplace but these women were coworkers or at least only know

She is welcome to change her mind. The type of hip hop she was attracted to was misogynistic before she chose it to change her image, it was misogynistic when she made her album, it is still misogynistic when she “stopped liking it” She can admit that she chose that style to achieve a goal which she achieved and then

If she wanted to make non-misogynistic hip hop, she could have collaborated with hip hop artists who don’t make misogynistic stuff. Missy Elliott anyone? She chose the style she wanted because she wanted the shock value of it and to make money and once she was done she not only walked away but shat on it on her way

Anything but affirmative (enthusiastic) consent is not consent. Knowing that people would be shocked or think it is a joke was part of the power dynamic he took advantage of in that situation. You shouldn’t have to parse through articles to point to where he seems to have gotten consent. It should not be this hard and

How exactly has he paid for it? He lost his show sure but what about the women who never got to have a show because of his creepy behavior and them being blacklisted? He basically went away for a bit, doesn’t seem to understand how what he did was wrong and just showed up at various places to do comedy for an

I moved to Oakland right around when the warriors got really good (6 years ago). It is weird seeing the difference between the fan base on the street and the fan base on TV.

I kept wondering whether I was some idiot because apart from some character choices, I thought the final season was fine and I liked the finale.

My birthday was the day after mother’s day and I just gave up on any brunch plans with friends for Sunday.

It started off good and interesting but the quality just continuously dipped as the season went on. I’ll still watch the second season to see where the story goes but its more of an “eh, I guess”


Agreed. I’m bi and non-monogamous. My long term BF does most of the cooking and I get to teach him about football. I’m also dating someone who identifies as non-binary and I don’t think I’m redefining anything. She’s not obligated to define her queerness but if you stake a claim to redefining what a relationship looks

He’s not a great actor but he is really good in the Jump Street movies.

This was literally my thought as I was watching that scene!

Someone asked him where he got the dress and he said Target! Target better hire him to model some clothes for them.