
I searched for a similar topic from you around 2009, and didn’t find anything. So Is this something you just discovered now that Black Panther is out?

Brazil prides itself in being some kind of post-racial society where no racism occurs, but as can be seen, it is very much alive and well. Her death was clearly an execution like the countless others done to discourage Black activism. Many of these places are literally going to war on Afrolatin@s.

People in the US think they have it bad with Fox News, but in Brazil is so much worse. The USA has some big leftist(actually centrist) news channels, here in Brazil we only have far right and a little bit less right news channels

Hi, Lucio! Fellow Brazilian here. Just showing up to make up, for all the things that you said Ms. Freelon doesn’t know, since I’m a Brazilian-born citizen living in this country for my 46 years of life, so I surely know way more than her, right?

The Attorney General is now suggesting that the investigation be federalized but I still have doubts - the corruption & racism runs deep. On the positive side though, she was close friends with journalists like Glenn Greenwald and you know he’s not gonna let her assassination disappear into silence.

“The investigation didn’t end yet”. How old are you, Lucio? How long have you lived in Brazil? The military police is one of the worst legacies of the military dicatorship. The corporation is one of the most corrupt institutions we have in Brazil right now, and that means a LOT.

Flavia Oliveira, a respected black columnist for Globo’s newspaper

I learned about Marielle Franco’s assassination this morning on my local WNYC station. Perhaps you’re not tuning into good news radio/ tv.

I can’t possibly see how they could have conducted a even basic investigation in that amount of time. It certainly looks like the police force doesn’t want to ask too many questions in case it gets an answer that leads back to some of their own...

I’d be surprised if American Cable News channels covered this at all. It’s a lot cheaper to just have pundits yelling at each other 24/7.

The so-called brazilian “elite” is a weird beast. Selfish, vapid, uneducated, ignorant yet arrogant (a favorite combination of the American right), with a bizarre sense of entitlement. A lite version of the atrocious Indian caste structure. At the same time, they roll over with a smile on their face for Uncle Sam.

Brazil the flip side of the USA, in the southern hemisphere. White supremacy, Portuguese style.

Notice that we do not have even CNN reporting on this nor any major networks. A protest in a nation as large as Brazil and a Black issue should be covered. To bad that we no longer have TVOne. We need a Black news network.

Am I reading right? She was assassinated on Wednesday night and buried less than 24 hours later? Is there cultural or religious context I am missing that would explain this? Otherwise, I can’t possibly see how they could have conducted a even basic investigation in that amount of time. It certainly looks like the

You are regurgitated waste. Go soil your peers.

A racist comment. How shocking.

Nice try, Dmitri. The culprits in this case are most likely police officers.

This is so sad and a bit shocking since I was just beginning to learn about Marielle Franco. Seems to me she was the embodiment of the Black Lives Matter idea. At a time when army troops are being deployed to areas like the one she represented, and for her to continue demanding accountability in terms of police

This was painful to read. Franco gave so much of herself, and ultimately all of herself to the liberation of her people. This was so, so senseless.

She was a great advocate for the people of the favelas. She was also a harsh critic of police treatment of those same people.