
I think the question is that your wording implies that you think that believing, based on pseudo-science, that IQ and intelligence is determined by race is a ‘political leaning’. Is that correct? And, if she were in a Nazi march (not at work) that would be a problem for you, but not that she is teaching (i.e. a job

Um, even if she didn’t have students covering for her, her being a racist and spreading her bigotry via the internet has something to do with her job. No child of any race should have to get their education from or be left in the care of a White Supremacist. If she supported a pro-pedophilia group online, would you

They don’t just stay over there, either. It was one of the delights of my life to watch Rafa complete his Career Golden Slam by beating Novak Djokovic in the 2010 US Open, but what wasn’t quite so joyful was sitting amongst the drunken Djokovic fans who’d come over to see him play and who were furious to see him

“They don’t want to be seen as a bigot, racist, whatever you want to call it. I honestly don’t care.”

Even if she does end up getting threats, I honestly have no sympathy for her. Sometimes you get back what you put out. Her ‘political viewpoint’ is a threat to entire racial and ethnic groups.What was she expecting to happen? She needs to take the consequences of her choices like a Bigly Girl, but we all know she

I’m going to need you to explain what you mean by “political leanings.”

Maybe she’ll pull out some shit similar to the racist in Maryland who got fired: “hopefully, one day the school will embrace different ways of thinking...”

Yeah, they’re that stupid. Generally if you have to tell people you’re super-smart...

You have a very good point. Most racial “purists” would not count Eastern Europeans as Aryan. In fact, many of these white nationalists look to Russia for their inspiration. Ironic, as the Nazis tired very very hard to exterminate the Slavs they saw as subhuman. Just because they have bigger fish to fry does not mean

Damn it Florida. I have taught history. Which means I am educated. Which means I know that to teach history and believe this crap you have to be a willfully ignorant dumb ass holding onto white supremacy as something you think is based in “facts”.

Still waiting for her to be fired, I think. *checks watch* And I hope somebody at HuffPo got hold of that subscriber list she had, to root the rest of that hornet’s nest out since they have no business whatsoever getting near any children.

These people have always been there lurking in the shadows. Trump and his assent and perceived legitimacy has simply make them feel safe enough to step out into the light. They’re been emboldened and we’re going to continue to see stories like this. Racists aren’t afraid anymore which in some ways a good thing.

I really wonder what made the students decide to investigate him. The school saying that none of his rhetoric negatively impacted the students suggests to me that he was attempting to “convert” folks and they got suspicious and started trying to see what the crazy was all about. Wonder if they complained and were

catholic all-girls high school. he was there for the girls.

I mean, his prints and tax records aren’t going to pop a Pepe themed Twitter account.

Weren’t both world wars touched off by a homogenous population tho?

Generally, background checks only investigate criminal records, so this probably wouldn’t have turned up, especially because he was online using an alias.

“Diversity leads to social problems, it leads to conflict, it leads to war,” he told WJLA, before taking a weak puff of a cigar because of course he would.

Funny how the students had to discover it. Background checks, what’s the point right?