Prince’s death broke many, many hearts. But there’s something infinitely sadder about the fact that Michelle’s death really broke two hearts: her husband’s and her daughter’s.
Prince’s death broke many, many hearts. But there’s something infinitely sadder about the fact that Michelle’s death really broke two hearts: her husband’s and her daughter’s.
This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing such a sweet story and a lovely picture of them. <3
Yeah, sounds too happy and with too much throwing around of general slogans and stuff. It might be better if it was somewhere in between J. Cole’s “Be Free” and Tom Morello’s “Marching on Ferguson.”
That explain a lot.
Another thing I've found is that with his normal short hair, he looks kinda wood-chucky, but with longer, curlier Sherlock hair he is eeeeeeeeeee so swoony :D <3
Nah, I think you're right. His voice is incredible, and when coupled with his talent his looks aren't atrocious but also not top-model, but very appealingly *alternative.* Which I do think a lot of people dig.
Wow, that's really awful. I just wish them the best...
With his looks alone he isn't the most appealing, but if you see him act (since he's so good at it) his good acting makes him much more attractive. I'm of the mind that anyone gets more attractive when you see them do what they're best at.
I want to be your friend <3
Why are Caramel Delights called Samoas now? D:
I'll keep her in my thoughts. My little brother's in Sydney doing a gap year and while I'm sure he's fine and away from the scene, I'd like to know what he knows. We just skyped him a few hours ago before the news broke out...scary how this stuff suddenly pops up.
My brother's taking a gap year in Australia and he's in Sydney right now. Still found this funny
She must have been without her spoon
"Waking up" is exactly the right words for it. I know I have, as a white woman. I can't be the only one.
Thanks for bringing the complexities of all this to the forefront. Very well said.
If these boobs only last for a few hours then they should be called Cinderella boobs
On a related note I'm studying abroad in England and here they don't sell pads in bulk like they do in the US, they all come on in teensy squares of like 10 or 16, which means you have to buy them more often. Grrrrr