Kevern Zaksor

Am I the only one who found the whole ambiguous guilt/multiple suspects ending to be a very deliberate parody of Zodiac (and by extension, the unresolved IRL case of the Zodiac Killer)?
I guess what I'm really asking is: am I the only one who's made it all the way through Zodiac?

Moments like this reinforce how much this show is just a live-action cartoon set at Greendale. The way they go about genre-spoofing, in particular, reminds me so much of South Park.



Every show I mentioned shares a significant degree of critical acclaim (a proxy for quality, in this case) - so I don't know where Jersey Shore would even enter this conversation, or how it supports your argument.

I was limiting my generalization to the under-40 demographic living in the U.S. "The world" is a mighty big place, and I think even your highly dismissive attitude towards others might be checked if you could track global trends in pop culture. Especially when the proliferation of bootlegged/black-market DVDs tends to

I hear its got vazzes & arched dooorways, don'chah knooow!

PILOT [in snarled whisper]: Get off. My. PLANE!

I think most people under the age of 40* are at least aware of Sunny, and may have seen an episode or two. That's like saying South Park is a cult show at this point.
Hell, I'd wager more people today could pick Charlie Kelly (or Cartman) out of a lineup than they could Hawkeye from M*A*S*H.

Just started bingeing on OB yesterday, but as a diehard Degrassi fan… whoa, SAV!
(apologies for extreme belatedness)


Your username suddenly became less 'clever witticism', more 'cry-for-help'…


Monáe/Mayweather: Fight of the Century

Wow, I imagined this as written by Will Sasso's portrayal of Lucas on MadTV. Dressed in full ewok costume.

Ohhh, NOW I get it.

Pivot is looking to "online steaming sites" as its business model, eh? Count me in!

Hot Soccermom

GREAT JOB, Internet….
[Rolls eyes]
[Rolls eyes again, to make sure everyone notices]

I drop "Mah name's Beck-ay" frequently in conversation. Probably much too frequently for a reference that nobody understands. But I get a hearty chuckle out of it, so there's that.