Kevern Zaksor

But will their comedy be reverent? Or decidedly on-beat?

See also: Raptholic priest

You've been posting some seriously next-level shit over the past few days. And this is a Kanye article, so you can be fairly confident that I'm at least familiar with said 'next level'.

So it's not just a clever name…

Yet ANOTHER free thing I forgot to cash in on for my birthday…

This is an interesting story, and I would unsarcastically like to subscribe to your hypothetical newsletter.

Also, DRJ had an outrageous dunk over Bill Walton in the '77 Finals.

This is my favorite thing I've seen on the Internet today. And I've seen a good many things. Today. On the Internet.

You'd be surprised how many people ask me to spell out 'Michael'. And it's very clearly not because they are concerned about alternate spellings…

I love you!

It's got what plants crave.

Knowing me, Andy Partridge; knowing you, Brian Wilson - ah HAAA.

Here's to fuckin' Toby!!

I've made a brilliant mistake…

Clearly Ginsberg is being set up for the eventual spin-off where he leaves the ad world, joins the NYPD and changes his name to Frank Serpico.

That's just a myth!

I think that's a super valid point. As a dude myself, I completely agree that this mentality is fueled by a tragically jocular bro-culture.

Setting aside that PSH appears to be heroically self-aware, to the point that we can joke about this relapse relatively guilt-free… the mere existence of 'hard drugs' is a pretty insane concept, in itself. It's a nigh unfathomable threat to wrap your head around before you've ever experienced inebriation in any form

@Cookie, thank you for all you is

He's a chick, brah. Score!