
“I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly. The whole age of computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what is going on.”

It’s Russia and the next US president against the current president. Ummmm...WHY IS NO ONE WORRIED!?

Every bit counts, but this is - so very unfortunately - too little and too late.

I want to die.

This brings to mind Andrea from 90210.

It’s a rare kind of animal, sort of like a leech but way fatter and more disgusting. It lives on other people’s money.

The worst that would have happened under Hillary is that we would have stayed the course. She was rated more liberal than Obama, so she might have taken us slightly to the left of where we are now. But ohh nooooo.... we don’t want incremental (historically the most stable kind, btw) change, we want it all NOWWWW!!!

I think most of what I use to believe in was broken by this election - probably permanently broken.

There was no reason to think that Obama was a communist, or a Muslim. Anyone saying that was grossly misinformed, and making an unreasonable statement.

Yeah, don’t blame Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush, who also could have beaten Trump. Don’t blame the racist and greedy morons who voted for Trump. Spend all your energy blaming the Democrat, it’s all her fault.

I thought we were past the ridiculous and totally unprovable claims that someone else could have beaten Trump.

You realize Hillary Clinton, literally, won the primary, right? Like, she got more votes than anyone else in the primary, right? So, there’s not really much the DNC could have done, since nominations aren’t decided by national committee fiat, but by the results of the primaries, right? So how exactly was this

“then they’ll wonder how this ever could have happened.”

Yup. Baseless and evidence-free claims from his political rivals that Obama wanted to be a dictator are exactly the same as taking Trump at his actual word. Exactly the same.

Well.... President Obama is a Constitutional Law scholar, and a successful politician, and generally a pretty cerebral guy.

Yes, just keep employing those false equivalencies for Obama and Trump.

I wondered how long it would take til Charlize & Seth got together. I know a lot of people don’t like him, but I’ve listened to him in interviews and he doesn’t seem that bad.

Definitely an improvement. I think Seth would be really fun as a friend. As a partner though, I feel like he’s a little too smug and is probably very selfish with his time. But seriously, has to be better than Penn.

I love how the low ceilings really highlight this tacky shit.

If you got a contract from Donald Trump at your job, he’d probably find a way to not pay your company after all the work was finished, like he’s done countless times before.