What's the big deal? Hinduism is an ancient mythology, just like Greek or Norse. Even Christian mythos are fair game for entertainment. They need to stop getting their panties in such a bunch.
What's the big deal? Hinduism is an ancient mythology, just like Greek or Norse. Even Christian mythos are fair game for entertainment. They need to stop getting their panties in such a bunch.
What contract? I signed no contract, and there is no contract to sign or even agree to. Societies are associations of individuals, nothing more. Anything appended to that is specific to a particular political system. Claiming that a specific example describes the greater abstraction is not an argument.
I've not claimed to be an expert. I'm quite comfortable in this armchair and do not pretend it is anything more. Now do you have a point to make, or are you just here to snipe and be condescending?
Because it specifically [poorly] attacks Ayn Rand, I will link to her own words.
From my first post in this thread: "I don't have the nicest things to say about Libertarians now and then either"
Do you have an actual argument to make, or will it only be vague smears from you?
And they have less of it.
Define psychopathy and/or sociopathy, please, and explain exactly how lacking an obligation to serve others constitutes it. At this point, it is nothing more than a floating abstraction you two are using as a petty smear and attempt to avoid producing an actual argument.
I already know how to detect bullshit, thanks.
Where is this support for capitalism? All I see is collusion with government insurance cronies on one side and government takeover on the other. I see no capitalism.
So you want to make slaves of doctors, got it. They've already dedicated their time and efforts to be able to do a certain type of work, and you want to put a gun to their heads and force them to use the skills they've built over a lifetime without profiting at all from any of that expended life. Zero return on the…
You want the government to arbitrarily pick winners and losers, but you just think they're arbitrarily picking the wrong ones? Good luck with that.
Btw, that website is brimming with straw men. The "Un-Communism" comparison alone destroys any pretense at credibility or honesty you or it may have attempted to maintain.
His disconnect from reality.
On a more general note, not singling out medical bills, I think indentured servitude should make a return of sorts. Rather than being crippled by debt or jailed for it, there should be the option to work it off. In addition to clearing debt in a productive manner, this would also build skills and could even result…
Also, Grimm in Oregon.
What do you think is done with that profit? Are you under the impression that it just exits the system, bringing no benefit to customers? How do you think research & development is funded? How do you think new facilities are built? A profitable company grows faster, employs more people, and has greater potential…
I think it's pretty sick to force people to provide a service at the point of a gun. Who's the sociopath, again?
They have no responsibility toward the rest of humanity. Nor do I. You don't either. Further, what's wrong with some people making more money than others? What about success in business, which is based on voluntary, honest exchange of values, lead to dishonesty? You make many assumptions.