
Is a pap smear required?

You'd think some of the money they save short changing women on salaries could go to free tampons for all.


Annex Crimea? Pfft. Supply separatist rebels with high-end Surface-to-Air missiles? Meh. Declare war on Mickey Ds?? OH, IT IS ON.

FSM probably appreciated it. Jesus normally gets to hear all the crazy juicy stories, and FSM feels left out of the loop.

And then he nodded, satisfied with his list and convinced that he had hit the basic deal-breakers. Then he put on his fedora, went online, and complained that no women ever want to date such a nice guy like him.

Whatever i'm still waiting for the long curly black hair growing out of your chin that you don't notice for 6 months to come into style.

Has a dick pic ever worked for anyone ever? "You have deplorable table manners, your stance on same sex marriage is alarming, and your relationship with your mother has a distinct Psycho vibe. However, your penis is pleasingly shaped and the crown has a certain joie de vivre. How soon can we marry?"

Exactly. It's a rebuttal to silencing efforts that have been so culturally successful it requires a thought exercise to retrain yourself. Those who have been allowed to not gaf don't need this exercise. And IDGAF can be internal, but it becomes more interesting when you interrupt silencing efforts and announce you

This has been my attitude for a long while and I really feel a lot better about it. It's also how I approach shit like homophonia or racism, too. You'd be amazed how much a simple, "Wow, that's really racist," will stop someone dead in their tracks. Why? Because most people just awkwardly laugh and try to move the

It's pretty fantastic, actually! Today is my day off so I'm lounging by the pool, drinking margaritas and reading thank yous from people for calling out this sexist bullshit. What's it like being an anonymous Internet commenter who gets off calling a woman "cunt"? I bet that's super fun!

Yup! Adrenaline kicks in fast and reduces appetite. Cortisol takes a little longer to kick in, about 30-45min, and that will increase appetite once the adrenaline wears off.

Thats terrible if true, because progressive weight training is the ONLY thing that is going to prevent women( and men) from turning into a brittle stick as they age, finding out that calcium loss means permanent pain and possible death ( from operations, hip fracture etc esp elderly women. Stats are awful). Also, so

Knowing nothing about he preferences for pudding among the members of Group 1 and Group 2, this is 35% or 25% difference (depending on which way you look at it) could mean nothing.

Is anyone else pretty sure that they were a terrible roommate? I was the WORST. I would snooze through my alarm for literally 90 minutes ever morning. I barely ever did the dishes. I left my shit everywhere. I WAS THE WORST, I'M SORRY PREVIOUS ROMMATES.

Exactly, it's beyond institutional, it pervades men and sadly even women's psyche . Of course girls will abandon playing sports faster than boys if they're expected to defer to their male "default standard" counterpart.

LOL..yeah, that would be unfortunate...but he'd work himself into being quite a shot with a bow and arrow!

My lifelong history of crushes on inaccessible smart assholes like Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones and Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and their real-life equivalents has lead me to the realization that I ought not have an SO, therefore I can't play this game.

100%. I am a traditional girl, can count my sexual partners on one hand, and I am in my early 30s. I am quite happy this way.

Yeah but, Pharrell doesn't want to apologize for Blurred Lines or donate his cut to rape crisis charities.