
For work, I was trying to Google the company history of BAE. The first page of my results were all people having conversations like this, defining “bae” as a term of endearment. Bizarre clash of concepts and also, talk of things that would only happen this year!

Vagina Vallance sounds like a (spoof) Bond girl!

In the same way, when I was at college, we had this pond we were forbidden from jumping in. Needless to say, that made it like catnip to certain elements of the sporting community. What they reckoned without was the fact that the college authorities, being sober adults, were perfectly capable of following a trail of

Yeah, I won’t remember who they all were next time I’m trying to pretend to comprehend The Youth of Today, but it gave me a giggle nonetheless...

Being an insecure millennial, I used to be terrified of dining alone in restaurants. But just recently, I was travelling and had time to kill so grabbed an early supper at a noodle place. Yes, half the restaurant was love struck couples and big happy groups, but the other half was mainly women sitting quietly with

That's an interesting case of how we're told to GAF. That magazine sells us solutions to problems we didn't know we had. So IDGAF can in some ways be a counter-blow to insecurity marketing - for all genders.

exactly. IDGAF here is about overcoming that paralysing fear that keeps some of us standing in front of the wardrobe pulling out one thing after another, going, "no, too slutty," "no, too frumpy," or makes us formulate contributions to debates IRL/online but never share them. So wearing/saying this makes you think I'm

I find that when I just work out, my appetite gets suppressed so I don't want to eat, esp. if I do something short and intense like cardio, as you said. But when I've done a cross-country race, I'm like, "give me all the chips!" Maybe the adrenalin? I get the same after an anxiety attack.

I find that when I just work out, my appetite gets suppressed so I don't want to eat, esp. if I do something short and intense like cardio, as you said. But when I've done a cross-country race, I'm like, "give me all the chips!" Maybe the adrenalin? I get the same after an anxiety attack.

I love how riled up men get when we point out the blatant, breathtaking and institutional sexism that there is in sports reporting. This is just one example - I could also cite, albeit in a UK context, the commentary that referred to Andy Murray as the first British Wimbledon Champion since Fred Perry - Daily Mirror,

similarly, loved Orlando Bloom as Legolas in Lord of the Rings (less of a fan of him shoehorned into the Hobbit films, but I am no longer 15...) but in other things...meh! From subsequent crushes and relationships, I don't think it was the long blonde wig so much as the martyrish aloofness. Which is a terrible quality

You are a legend! Sadly, it's because of this sort of casual harassment that I stopped going to nightclubs. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. But I wish there was a way that we could, you know, make them see us as people not bodies to be consumed and that we didn't need knights in shining armour like you...

Right? And it's a pretty wide age bracket, 18-30...

I'm sorry you're going through this, it's the most heartless and cowardly way to go about ending a relationship. That said, he may not be doing a deliberate fade. I had a bloke go silent on me after 5 months and a couple of weeks ago - after a further 5 months of COMPLETE SILENCE during which I deduced that we were no