First off, it was the passenger that chased the boarder. Secondly, the driver ran a stop sign, knocked over a pedestrian and had the audacity to yell and honk at them.
First off, it was the passenger that chased the boarder. Secondly, the driver ran a stop sign, knocked over a pedestrian and had the audacity to yell and honk at them.
I’m betting the big guy gassed out before he ever caught him.
I have absolutely 0 pity for that driver. He’s a car length past the stop line, hit a pedestrian (well skateboarder in this case) that was crossing the road and then honks as if the guy crossing was the one at fault? Nop sorry dude but even your insurance shouldn’t cover this. It was 100% your fault.
The McLaren driver was an ass for rolling the stop sign, hitting the kid and then honking at him. The kid was an asshole for smacking the windshield.
the real crime here? FILMING IN PORTRAIT MODE.
Oh wow, it’s like the automotive equivalent of a half-dead opossum.
This is much more common than you think. Pricing for high-tech goods is complicated. As an example, the Apple Pencil sells for $100, even though the Pencil itself has only $15 of hardware in it. This is because the iPad pro has another $15 of hardware to support the Pencil. About a third of iPad pro buyers buy the…
No, the software was changed to cripple the battery pack so that you can only get a reduced amount of power out of it. The software itself merits no premium, and it was developed only to create a car that has two different “battery capacities,” while using only one physical battery pack.
Every time I see something with Elon Musk it gets more cringeworthy.
Freddy, I love you man but this is dumb. Generally, if I buy a car the badges are part of why I’m buying it. Removing factory badges tends to make them look like shitty garage projects and kills any resale value. If there is crappy dealer stuff attached I tell them to remove it or no deal. No consumer should have to…
Badges that come from the manufacturer? Fine.
On the way home from work the other day, I saw a dude who had completely debadged his beige 2000 Toyota Camry, which also had its wheel covers removed. He even removed the front emblem on the grill.
I took a somewhat different approach: insist that the dealer not apply any badges, stickers, license plate frames, etc. that didn’t come preinstalled at the factory. Then refuse to take delivery of the car until they cleanly removed the ones they put on anyway in direct contradiction of what they had agreed to do.
Agreed for the most part- where this totally makes sense is to remove the stupid dealer emblem crap. Where I bought the car isn’t something that I care to advertise.
I did this once. Realized how stupid the car looked afterwards and vowed to never do it again. It’s right up there with removing the interior to make a car lighter or taking off the AC for the same reason.
There should be a video on taking off those dealer decals that dealerships seem intent on putting on their cars. CarMax is a big culprit. I didnt buy my car so I can have free advertising for them.
Nope, you’re not alone.
I like cloth. you’re not alone.