
He was able to stop with several feet to spare in a situation where coming to a complete stop was entirely unexpected. That’s why it’s not tailgating.

That’s exactly what I thought. It looks like the design intended for a front grille, but the grille never made it to the final product. It would definitely look better with a more sloped/less creased nose.

“But the brake checker is the only one who intended to cause harm to another. That intent is the reason the person who did the brake checking should be charged”............... But that is making a big assumption. 1. The driver of the front car could say “I did not even see the guy behind, I was reacting to a dog/bird

Not going around when the other lane is open is a worse move. The driver looked like he was traveling at or above the speedlimit. no one HAS to move over for you if they are traveling at the correct speed. Tailgaters should never be defended.

This is the one thing that removes the brake-checker’s excuse, and it’s a good rule to go by. If someone catches up to you in the fast lane and you can move over momentarily, you do it. If the lane is wide fucking open next to you, you have no excuse not to move over.

So going the speed limit and not surpassing that is the problem? Assholes that feel that 80mph isn’t fast enough on the interstate is the problem.

The only wise advice I have is…. Never tailgate a person driving slow, they could be scared, inexperienced or just a poor driver, these people are liable to slam on the brakes out of panic or incompetence. It could an idiot who is looking to teach someone a lesson. Or it could be someone’s 80-year-old gran, a pregnant

depends on what the speeds are here. the guy in the left lane is passing. if he is pushing 75 in a 65 and the guy behind him wants to go 90...that’s the guy behind hims problem. I am all for yield right, but I don’t yield right for excessive speeders.

Look at again. The lead driver was actively passing at the time, and staying left to leave a lane open for traffic merging in from the right. Immediately following the “brake check” the lead car safely merges right. I think this may not have been a brake check. They may have just been disengaging cruise control in

It wasn’t remotely safe to pull over let someone pass in that situation with merging traffic from the left. I’m not even sure the lead car was ‘brake checking’ rather than slowing to merge back to the left itself. But, certainly, a somewhat controlled accident like this is better than an uncontrolled rear-ending.

Did you guys even watch the video? There was someone merging into the road at that exact moment. There was no opportunity for him to merge right without changing his rate of speed (cruise control).

his own damn fault. You want to be an aggressive sonofabitch on the road, you accept the risk. Hopefully he got a fairly sizable ticket to go along with his wrecked SUV.

Steve, your thoughtful and well-reasoned reply (which cited to a seminal case!) was far, far better than I deserved for my rude joke about misusing legal process to secure some nut-loosening from Mr. Goodwrench.

Why are you being so nice.... I got this gem in a series of defenses to a claim. First the facts. A trucking company (now bankrupt), hired union members who, well, were ethically challenged - it was done, according to a deposition of a manager because these people were cheaper to hire.

Well, they have made one big change though. They have you sign a contract that says they can pretty much run your stuff through a crusher, lose most of it, and then get you the remainder a month late without any penalties.